First rets, now's time to buff moonkins balance is fine

I mean, to be fair, Warriors were S-tier DPS and Tanks for a majority of Vanilla and TBC.

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What’s that got to do with wrath though?

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That’s why most DPS warriors rerolled in tbc prepatch/P1? Most having a hard time getting a raid spot or even pugging current content.
That’s why warriors were the worst tank for most the content too ? OT material for most of tbc beat by pallies in most fights, forced to use PvP gear to compensate threat issues in p2-3. And why Most rerolled feral for sunwell?

The vanilla part is true tho. If you stacked ALL world buffs, and didn’t lose them with good clear times we were s tier.


Rogues are top tier from phase 1 to phase 5. With the simplest rotation there is.
While also being top tier utility. That doesn’t seem to be a problem

They denied fixing munching Wich is decently impactful BUG for warriors and mages.
Dont buff me because I scale next year by end of tier , Fine, its stupid but whatever.

Can you at least fix whats not working properly? I still have to deal with that BS rend rotation for 38 dps increase and I lose 100-200dps from munching because your client is not working properly.


Mate. Warriors are already better than boomkins if you exclude the two bosses that literally juice caster damage by 50%…with them included we’re BARELY above fury…and fury is gonna get better as the time goes on.

I know, its hard for you to not live out your main character syndrome, but y’all gonna be alright lmao.

Again. Your argument is, “you are better than me, you are fine”

While I’m standing here saying we need our bugs fixed. Not even asking for buffs. Just for a bug known since the beta to be fixed.


While it will be rare, Balance Druids can experience munching in T10.

Now exclude the two bosses that buff caster damage by 50% :X

what top tier utility are you referring to with rogues, tricks?

Tricks is massive. 15% increased damage for 10 seconds is huge + threat transfer if the tank needs it

Crit chance if assassination
Expose armor and 4% damage if combat

Is that not big enough ?

…doesn’t warrior have everyone of those with it except for tricks? lol

Boomkin are fine. Spriest will fall off quite a bit next tier I feel.

Warriors will start to see the light when they can have passive armor pen cap without trinket procs. Those cleave fights especially.

How about some buffs for hunters? Among the multiple pure dps classes they are the lowest in terms of damage potential and outside of affliction the class with the highest skill ceiling to play.

The PvP spec (arms) performing significantly worst than any other specs at the bottom of the list, even under meme specs like frost mages, BM.hunter or subtely rogue

Does indeed bring 4% increased damage.
And sunders, no Crit though.

I don’t think you understand how strong tricks are.
15% damage increase. For 10 seconds. Every 30 seconds.
Any rogue can bring that without really impacting their already high dps

In comparison the tank DK buff does 20% damage increase. For 30s with a 3 minute CD and a damaging debuff

I feel you, and am curious when they’re gonna buff Shadow! I WANT SW:P to benefit from HASTE!

There’s a significant damage loss with tricks, 10 seconds is glyphed only, which means you have to drop other good glyphs and losing 15 energy every 30 seconds is a fairly big deal, both of these combined are probably like a 300 dps loss. I would consider my own warrior to have more utility than my rogue, the problem is the damage is like -1500 dps

Nah they need to nerf Warlock and DK a lil and buff Warriors in PVE. That’s about it everyone else is fine.

The only buff moonkins need is to their stupid af appearance.

that was a low blow