First Person co-op Dungeon Crawlers?

Does this game exist?

Ever since I played Skyrim for the first time I’ve longed for a co-op experience of a full party of specialized class roles (fighter/MU/thief/healer) in a first person fantasy based dungeon crawler. Up til now most dungeon crawlers are the tile/turn based solo endevours (M&M, EotB, Grimrock, etc), but any realtime party based romps are surprisingly rare.

Thus far the only three games I’ve found with a 1st person view option and co-op options are:


Lots of classes, fairly in-depth game engine. 3D engine is entirely voxel based.


This game could have shaped up to be exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately fell into developer creep and died on the vine.


Perfectly captures the combat engine. Basically L4D but with a Warhammer skin.

I’m looking for a dungeon crawler with these types of features:

CO-OP - Swap different characters in/out, personal loot, trading, shared exp, etc.
Classic D&D aesthetic, endless dungeons, random encounters, inns, 
Several varied class options (fighter, caster, healer, support, stealth, ranged, etc).
Diablo/Looter-shooter game loop (Kill mobs, get loot/quests/bounties, etc).

My pick-3 gameplay elements would be:

WoW class/race/spec/mog variability
Diablo/Borderlands/Destiny ARPG/loot mill mechanic
Overwatch FPS engine

Blizzard was actually working on something close to this:

Are there any 1st person co-op dungeon crawlers out there? If not, why not?

I would consider destiny 2 as one.

Along with Division - although it’s not really as much a fantasy or sci-fi game.

Borderlands series is somewhat.

Vermintide is more along the lines of L4D