First Ones seem like villains to me

I am much too mundane.

Whenever I hear “First Ones” I end up thinking that I’m stuck in the backseat again because I did not run quickly enough.



Maybe the Titans and Void Lords have the same issue? Perhaps none of them yelled shotgun?



I wish to make a “driving Azeroth” joke, but I know it will somehow come across very pervy and involve Sargeras’s massive sword.

But I do believe everyone called Shotgun on Azeroth at the same time, and that might just be the problem we’re now stuck dealing with.


Odyn semi confirms the First Ones are real so we might see a huge fallout among all the titanforged soon.

I really don’t know what direction, if any, the writers plan to do with the First Ones in WoW. They could have the First Ones as the first beings who came into existence and sought to understand the universe. The writers could just as easily abandon the concept of the First Ones altogether in an effort to focus more on the Titans and the Void Lords. There are many ways they could take the story beyond just making the First Ones another villain.

I think of Brutal Legend, where they were all freaky demon people.

Considering Locus Walker recognizes the Radiant Song being present on K’aresh amongst it’s destruction and how the Radiant Song originates from Beledar/Hymosul which got it’s Void State from N’Zoth’s agents according to the Stone Tablets on Siren Isle and how Xal’atath mentions what destroyed K’aresh was the faintest of echoes of her Masters…

Let’s say the First Ones might be the ones drawn in by the Song of the First Ones.

Note that Sylvanas used a Power that Jaina could not identify despite Thrall recognizing Mawsworn Death Magic as being similar to Shadowmoon Magics. According to the Mount looted from her a Darkness crawled into the hole in her Soul.

Furthermore the Sylvanas Novel states she was becoming more emotionless and less invested in Zovaal’s goals as time went on showing that whatever that Darkness was it was not tied to Negative Emotions but to No Emotions!

Furthermore it seems Anduin has that Magic as Jaina is disturbed when Anduin randomly taps into the Dark Magic while trying to interrogate someone.

Xal’atath is trying to draw the 7th into Beledar I suspect yet if Anduin shows that Darkness again she might simply offer her Body to this 7th Force(who becomes War Within’s Final Boss) while her Real Body(her being a Dagger with an Eye suggests there is a True Body which the Eye was removed from) runs off to initiate Midnight.

She might have to use Anduin as the Dark Heart was swiped and thus she can’t mix Death & Arcane with Shadow, Disorder, Light and Life.

If the 7th Force(undetectable Darkness that robs one of Emotions) is the First Ones then we will get our first First One Boss Fight in War Within.