First Ones seem like villains to me

Hum, i dont know i just made a shortcut in my mind, since to me it is the most symbolic factor of what makes a divine being “divine” and for titans when it was said in chronnicles they cant even walk on azeroth without breaking it because of their size.

But its my bad, i just assumed you were talking about that.

Oh i see, well i will say it is debtable wether or not this give the feel of him being “not full power” in the boss fight.

Dont worry, i was not talking about “lore facts” at all, more on a artistic proces level.

If you want my thoughts as to “why” the writers created the First Ones, i think, there is 2 reasons :

1 - As i explained, the Titans during Legion got deminished, because they became bosses for some of them, and even the ones you dont fight you talk to them like if they were normal npcs which removed a kind of aura they had during 15y.

2 - The new writing team wanted to make their own “things”, its a bit of a problem when you have new writers who come to an altrady existing univers with already all its gods presents, add the fact that the said writer is a marvel fan and bam you get the First Ones.

Oh, i see, i did not remember that part, hmmm i suppose, from what you brought up and what i know that, the 6 Forces existed prior to their arrival as you mention, but not the “beings”’ related to them, because from what i recall the Zereth were made by the First Ones, and in said Zereth, like the Zereth Mortis, are made beings related to the Forces, like for example Eternals being made in the forges of the afterlives.

So in a way, i think, as the 6 Forces were, “mindless” and just opposed each others, the First Ones gave the Forces some kind of Order by puting a hierarchy, a “mind” into them by creating beings made out of each Forces.

Thats how i imagine it.

As i said in one of my previous posts : Just you wait the story of the Dark First One who think his kin is wrong and patterns are flawed! :joy:

Thats what i said to look at the OG titan lore, (the one from war3 manual) because back at this moments they were exactly like First Ones : Mysterious, all mighty Gods who created and ordered everything.

The Aman’thul being a jerk is pretty recent thing.

Why Argus thought? Because Argus was clearly definished as a titan even in the more recent lore, while Azeroth was retconed to be “The Prime World Soul”