It’s not about trying to recommend high end prices for the fun of it
Spending little as possible on a PC build isn’t good long term
One of your YouTube videos you suggest for example
Ryzen 2400g, b450 motherboard, WD 240 GB SSD, Corsair VS 650 PSU, 8 GB single ram stick
The board and ryzen chip are fine yes, the rest is not
First off the SSD is 240 GB, Windows 10 1903 update takes more storage now, plus BfA is 70 GB as requirements
Then that 240 GB of storage turns into 223 GB of actual storage, because it converts, so really about 110 GB of storage gets taken by BfA and Windows 10, which leaving you half of the storage left for whatever, and trust me that’s going to run out fast as the average player starts getting other games installed, have stuff downloaded and not clearing out downloaded files of whatever
Then next expansion will bump that to maybe 90-100 GB of storage as a requirement, so within the next year or two that SSD will be more inconvenient of trying to manage your storage
Next, that ram stick is already a bad choice because Ryzen works best in dual channel, so really fps will be even worse running on a single stick. 8 GB of RAM is also being considered no longer the minimum, 16 GB is becoming the sweet spot
Then that power supply is also medicore at Best, only 100 plus rating, not even gold or Bronze certified, then If you decided to go get like RX 5700 or RTX 2060, I wouldn’t doubt that PSU will pop for being cheap
Speaking of graphics, that 2400g does have a igpu, while it being better than Intel’s, it still meh at best, you aren’t getting high settings on that, maybe medium or between low and medium at Best for 60 fps. Now if it was paired with like a Rx 570 then that performance would jump up (if not using single ram sticks)
Then next expansion that graphics settings you were getting in BfA will drop, so now expect your $400 budget build to be running at low settings once again like OPs MacBook
The only good thing about that budget build is the b450 motherboard because you can at least put in a 3000 or perhaps 4000 series
None of us are forcing $500 parts on anyone, we will still suggest low price builds but you get what you pay for so don’t be upset next expansion brings your fps down on a $400 build
Some will stick to that price range and offers build but some will suggest OP saves more money for a much better long term investment, $600 or $700 build at best