What was your very first expansion that you started playing?
Burning Crusade
I started mid BC.
I started playing in mid Burning Crusade.
Late BC
But I had no idea what was going on until cata
I started towards the end of BC. I was able to get into Kara but I had no idea what was doing back then.
Pre-Alpha of Orcs vs Humans
I started in Vanilla.
Left during TBC.
Came back during Cataclysm. Left During Cataclysm.
Came back mid-Dragonflight.
I started at the beginning of Cata, still my favorite expansion
Started day one of WoW, played WCII and WCIII plenty before that.
I was introduced to WoW via a coworker right as TBC was about to come out, so I bought the Battle Chest with Vanilla and TBC, and that was that.
I started before vanilla launch with the open beta.
So, I guess, technically, my first expansion was TBC.
Been a long strange trip over the last two decades!
I started shortly after BC launch.
End of BC, or “Wrath Baby” as we were called.
Obligatory “I’ve been playing since vanilla.”
The only expansions I didn’t put significant hours into while they were current are MoP, WoD, and SL.
Mid WoTLK.
Naxx was current when I started, so TBC was my first expansion.
Legion. Wanted to sooner but never had a way until then.
I started in august 2017…sometime into Legion.