First epic world drop

Kang the Decapitator on my warrior. Don’t remember what mob I picked it up off of, but I do remember using it for quite a while.

Stockade Pauldrons off a Bear while grinding Timbermaw rep in Felwood.
Wall of the Dead off a random mob in Maraudon.

Both on my Warlock.

Had a Krol Blade drop off a random undead in EPL :money_mouth_face:. Happened a few weeks before BC launch so its value was greatly diminished :disappointed:

all my epic world drops came from raptors in STV.

Stockade Pauldrons

First epic I ever saw was in Strat. Elemental Mage Staff dropped. My brother and I immediately “grats’ed” the Mage, and passed - assuming, like good boys, that the Mage should get the staff. Then the Druid and Hunter (or Priest?) rolled, and the Druid won. We were pissed, and argued that the Mage should get it. Druid said “Nah”, and likely went on to sell it for pretty big gold.

That bad experience led to a Classic-long friendship with the Mage, invitation to his guild, and months of raid progress and friendship with some awesome people. Best possible outcome from what could have been a simple ninja.

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Zom’s Crackling Bulwark…so not till wrath :rofl:

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You would think that is something I’d never forget, but very likely it was some caster crap that I didn’t care about and sold on the AH. No offense casters…

I think the shield of the dead or wall of the dead or something? It dropped in BRD. I didn’t need it as a druid but it dropped. I have never looted a boe epic I could use.

On my first character Glowing Brightwood Staff dropped for me when I was level 58 in Silithus. Sold for 700g on the AH, pretty much paid for my epic mount.