First epic world drop

Ever got lucky with one? What is it? I suppose you could include something from a different xpac

I remember back in retail tbc I looted skullflame shield for my warrior. I think it was somewhere from ungoro. I was so happy because not only it looked so good but it pressured me to tank instead. Nothing like getting an upgrade from it and then tanking with it…such a damn shame a shield that unique looking gets replaced too soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Never got one in Vanilla.

Fiery war axe off a wolf in feralas.

Da staff of Jordan.

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Eye of Flame while grinding my first warrior in EPL from 58-60 lol.

Hurricane. No idea where I got it though.


Never got a BoE world Epic drop until WotLK and by then Epics were so common place I don’t even remember what it was. But I remember the first BoE Rare I ever got. Ulther’s Strength. Dropped off one of the Ogres in Burning Steppes.

Myrmidon’s Signet
Binds when equipped


+17 Stamina
+10 Strength
+7 Agility
Requires Level 53

Got it at Hearthglen, from a Scarlet Worker.

Kang off trolls in hinterlands. I couldnt believe it.

Also got Hurricane. It was the only epic I ever found.

Got it from the Satyrs in Felwood.

It was disappointing.

Fiery War Axe in Desolace off a scorpid near Marudon.

Hammer of the Northern Wind, I think it’s amazing that everyone can still remember the niche epics that dropped. Says something both about how rare and valuable they were. Can’t even name a single item on my character right now (to be fair I did quit like 2 weeks into BFA)

I waited years before I got one. My first epic world drop was Staff of Jordan in Cata, while in plaguelands.

I hope I get luckier this time around.

Wall of the Dead, Azshara of some sketchy Nagas.
I think this still my only World BOE Epic drop. I don’t recall getting anything in TBC, WOTLK, CATA, MOP, WOD, Legion, and nothing in BFA yet.

Krol Blade, from a putrid in wpl, right before I ding 60 ill never forget it.

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Dwarven hand cannon while killing spiders in the cave between EPL and WPL.
Then got the gloves of holy flame while working on my dungeon 0.
Then was in ungoro farming thorium and got stockade pauldrons.

[The Wifes Panties], Epic it twas

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The Green Tower. Off some raptor in STV. Sadly, it sucks, but I’ll always remember my first.

Dazzling Longsword. Put it on my hunter because it was purple and purple gear is good.

Bow of Searing Arrows, chest southeast of the graveyard in Duskwood.

I don’t play any class that can use a bow.

(Ok, not completely true. I level all classes once. But then I won’t play it)