First day back to school in Indiana

School opens the first week of August there?

News alert. Scientists have proven that living kills you.

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itā€™s not unlikely that a political party or two would take advantage of a chaotic moment to do something, and thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say, Iā€™m not gonna mention any specific parties or countriesā€™ governments.

edit: sorry ashna i meant to reply to elisiana.

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When did you stop beating your spouse?

I wonder how many have lost their forum privledges here because of people like you posting things about something we never can stop hearing about.

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If I had the flu, I would wear a mask if I lived with people in high risk catagories. I would expect them to wear a mask too if available. Even common colds can be deadly to the most frail persons.

Smallpox was eradicated.


Not enough apparently. :pensive:

I look forward to projectile nostril discharges. I wonder how far they will launch this winter?

Ay Indiana here too

Homeschooling my kids this year :ok_hand:


Covid will never be gone. So is school never opening up?

Look when the average American believes that 30 million people have died from Covid something made then believe that. It clearly from the research focus on the media and their ā€œreportingā€ of this virus. Facts and science are being ignored. Even when the Director of the CDC says more children will die from the flu then covid and says send kids back to school we have folks running around screaming the sky is falling. People need to stop allowing fear and panic override science and facts. Enough said.

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I got put in forum time out for a week because I told someone not to worry.

So I am just growing more and more annoyed at this.

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You cut off the first part of my statement. As a whole, we generally do not receive recommendations from the CDC to wear masks anywhere for the flu or common cold.

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Only speaking for the school my kids go to they said there taking zero chances full vr school for a few years if needed.


Smallpox still existsā€¦its just out there waiting to be released upon the world.

Iā€™d love to see that survey.


In my personal belief, they are just preparing people for the mark of the beast. Government knows best after all.

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if we are i hope itā€™s the old school one and not the terrible new one with Jordan Peele

How many believe that crime has been going up? (Itā€™s been going down for 30 years)
How many believe that reducing taxes leads to budget surpluses? (They donā€™t)
How many believe that we spend a ton of money on foreign aid? (We donā€™t)
How many believe that NASA spent millions on a space pen instead of using a pencil? (They didnā€™t)

If you want to educate people with actual facts, for a change, Iā€™m all for it. But I think we need to broaden that base.