Firetree Horde Reconnections

I was a troll warrior Lum and my mostly pvp tauren shaman Goatsu in the guilds PETA and Super Secret Sauce

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Same. Maravajayjay

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rawr, im a lion


Holy crap dude. I’ve wondered whatever happened to you. I was Mallai, Undead Rogue and Papaslush, Undead Priest.

Wow, Ados, it’s been a long time since I talked to you. Weren’t you Aced a dwarf hunter before rerolling horde in TBC?

So many familiar names in this thread. Uoyredrum above was my TBC arena partner for awhile too but I don’t recall meeting him in vanilla.

I remember Git as well, Hailly, Asclepius, Locust, Kalarm, Chimie, some jackass on alliance named Bnetlegend who was a ninja, Delilah, Stabyo, Stabbie, Brownies, Debrina, Rumblepak, and probably a few hundred more people.


My main in Vanilla->LichKing was a Undead Rogue named Enfers . My main guild was Fallen Fury and after that I bounced between Unit, Ballas, No Life, PETA, gaf, Damage Control, Reviction, Hooligans, and Star Stack On Star throughout 2007-2008. I was very heavy into Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley PVP. My discord is Enfers#9537

My priest was actually my first character. I made her shortly after firetree launched in vanilla. I became a holy/ret paladin in BC named Mcroflz, then returned back to my priest for wotlk. These days, I try to keep the Roflz name in some form. But I remember Aced and nearly every other name you just listed from the SSS days and it’s spooking me out.



I played a undead priest named Lavigne. Raided with Vanquish. If any old Firetree friends are around, feel free to hit me up on Discord.


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I played a Undead Warlock in SSS Impendindoom and also was in No Life for a short time… Any old school Super Secret Sauce raiders out there?

Discord: ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜζ͜͡Impendindoom#6120

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Dude I was thinking about you the other day! You probably don’t remember me but idk maybe lol. You were one of the best warriors on our server.
I was in the Guild ‘The Chat’ and ‘Combat Wombat’ playing these Characters:
Maruka - Enhance Shaman
Itshealtime - Shadow Priest
Rocketcat - Feral Druid

Also speaking of Baconn. That guy was an absolute menace. Remember the tales of him killing a whole raid of players on his own.
I have an old pvp vid of me killing him.

Yeah I was on a different server in vanilla, I transferred while leveling shortly after BC launch. The first alliance I encountered was actually Git, because he ganked me in Nagrand while I was questing.

Oops, Wrong character

Racecarbed, you’re Aced?

I remember Mcroflz the paladin too. A few other names popped into my head too. There was a NE rogue named Perfecto who used to destroy people. Gimly a dwarf warrior who did the same. I think both were in raid gear. Funny how many alliance I used to know.

You probably deserved it.

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Prometheusx from Korrupt, Reviction, and The Untouchables.

I was in Shamang Heroes, Seven Kingdoms, SSS and Dedicated! Wonder if anyone will remember me. Dabeef?


Pandy still here and will be playing!


Name: Crakhead, Gnomesmasher after blizz changed my name
Race/Class: Orc Shaman
Guild: dont remember if this character was in any guilds

I think everyone hated Baconn. lol
It’s a shame that there aren’t that many names remembered server-wide anymore thanks to merging…

I mostly played as Lynxwing (tauren hunter) and Frostybox (undead priest) during classic. So awesome to see so many familiar names!

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Howdy, won’t be playing classic but thought i’d use this anyway.
SloBurn warlock in vanilla in what was originally Scourge of the Shadows, then Shadowscourge, then Shadow.

We joint raided with SSS for MC back in 2005 some time before we got big enough to raid alone.

Recognise a few names here, I remember Hailly from those raid days with Hellmover and co.

We moved to Jubei’thos a while ago as we’re Oceanic based, Shadowscourge once again. SloBurn#6529

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