Firetree Horde Reconnections

Hi; was a part of a guild called " And Hell Followed " I went by the name of Sickelmore on the Horde side.

Sup jerks! I’m going horde! UD Rogue named ‘Git’ on STALAGG

Discord: Git#9856
Bnet: Git#1639

I didn’t have much alts back then but Kalarm has been my main since vanilla!


^ That’s commitment right there.

Played as Hailly, Undead Priest. Spent most of my time with Super Secret Sauce but had a short stint with Dedicated towards end of Vanilla as a last ditch effort to experience Naxx.


I was in SSS, I was the Orc Hunter, Drock.


Gankdol Tauren Druid here.

No Life
Assasins Creed (my guild leveling up, I was the GM haha)

Names I remember



I was and still am Sayne the undead warlock and I played with a guild named Vermillion back during vanilla and tbc.

Some friends that I remember (not all in that guild):

Rayleen the undead priest
Balaal the undead mage
Tarturas the tauren warrior
Zebus the troll shaman

I’m happy to reconnect with anyone who remembers the crazy wpvp scene on Firetree :grinning: and taking down that paladin Baconn and his crony Iamtwelve!

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welcome to the dark side git

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Did you have alot of alt’s with shin in the name? I believe I knew you and we used to play for a bit back when BC was still around, and Wotlk was coming into focus. My old character’s name was either Bllackjack, Bllackhawk. Or maybe my main since Wrath, my dk Chainsmokin

Man i used to not even be able to quest in Stranglethorn because of that POS Baconn, Lol. Talk about a troll, guy would have another account just too have another character on a diff faction just too talk shiyyyt to you while ganking your lvl 30. I was never but newly max level back then, no decent gear yet, and it used too piss me off so bad when I couldn’t put up any sort of fight…


I remember when BC had just come out and Baconn was still terrorizing people in Tanaris, I went there and spent about 2 hours killing him over and over hahaha until he dcd. Pally lost its touch in BC xD

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Was part of a smaller guild known as The Bane of Northrend, my main was a troll rogue named Morphaz.

Where are you guys!!!

Punishers Army folks around? Joruderd/Zak here if you all remember the old crew and are waiting to get back in with us pushing content in WoW Classic hit us up or join our discord :slight_smile:

Let me know and I will get you our discord :slight_smile:

Discord Name: eVo_PunkyMonkey#6501

Great to see some familiar names! Early on I played:

Marajaviji - Troll rogue,
Hulkz - Orc hunter (who is this hunter I’m posting from).

I did a lot of BG’s and world PvP. I have this old video of sneaking in IF at like 3am server time with Tavoc and Tribalreef (both ). I couldn’t find any of my other vids.


I remember you :smiley: (Hulkz Orc Hunter/ Marajaviji Troll Rogue)

I have Tavoc on FB. Last I spoke with him he wasn’t sure about playing classic and if he did, it would be Oceanic :\

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I mained a tauren warrior named Aquenek and this mage. I remember lots of different players like Unreal, Devour, Holly, Dacuse, Vtrain, Holyhackjack, Yvelm, Maximillion, Baconn previously Cackwhack, Maximusprime, Lobster, and many others. Was briefly in SSS and a few other guilds but primarily PvP’d in blues because jobs.


Hey everyone, used to play in Roving Band of Baddies with this toon Thirus and a Undead priest Starvus. As others mentioned, still have nostalgic memories of hunting down baconn in Blackrock mountain and all the wpvp that used to take place.


Naphula checking in. Was in Shroud (2005) and The Aftermath (2006).