Zechariah was my main. Harbingers of Evernight (HoE). Then I switched to Paladin in BC Evilgai. I remember PETA, No Life, and I was in Strawberry Banana Fusion.
-Ellevampira was my other warlock half. Rootbeer couldn’t stance dance, but Javi could.
-Avatar was my cali friend warlock, was a young man while I was in military. And spinale.
-Canadian friends- Greenleaf (green something) he was a bomb Beastmaster hunter, and then there was Zaxstacy -school bus driver(rogue) and her husband ( dont know why but i think name started with a D) who was also a Hunter.
Lets see I was in Vanquish for a smidge. I remember Keysersoze! So many awesome people.
If any of ya’ll play classic hit me up!
Disc name 2Cute2BeStr8#6632
Oh my soul! I remember dreddful and mashpotatoes!
Zechariah- Warlock
Evilgai- Paladin
Blackmamba UD Rogue
It’s nice to see so many familiar names. I’m playing on Heartseeker Alliance these days.
Disc: is Lia#7186
Yooo, How ya been? I’m in touch and playing with some people from Cake. Sirhc, Xmj, crazylocdawg, apride. Shoot me a message on skeram horde.
Hi… my name was Delilah, I was a troll shaman in No Life on firetree. I lost access to that account (old Authenticator plus old email not working). I have just now, a year after they released classic… came back to the game. I rolled on Pagle both alliance and horde since it’s not a pvp server.
I know a lot of No Life are on Facebook but I rarely look at Facebook these days. I remember a lot of the names I see up here but I don’t think many will remember me. One name I don’t see that I miss a lot these days playing classic is Retcarahc <3
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I’m on Earthfury, playing a priest.
I remember you, I was in Fallen Requiem and Elysian with you!
Ottoman- priest
if i remember correctly our GM was called Skitz?
Hey Dabeef, I remember you from Shamang Heroes. I was Stuffedcrust, Tauren shaman. I can still remember our first MC raids with that guild and getting stuck on Magmadar because people couldn’t stay out of the fire, haha.
I remember you from shamang heroes, and ventrilo would always say “dilav dilav dilav has joined the server,” haha.
-Stuffedcrust, Tauren Shaman
Hey, it’s Nain. Not sure if you remember me. I played an UD warrior. We were in the same guild together. I started playing WoW again after taking a long break. Let me know if you guys are still playing. I’m on discord qian#0932
Firi, if you ever see this, it’s me Pestilence/Nv, I’m on retail Firetree, with a warrior named Nvigorator and a Monk named Nvirion. Please reach out if you ever see this post. Missing my old buddy!
I remember you Cav
I was NV, the lone female orc warrior. Good ole days when we used to world PvP and grind our rank.
Kleitos/Pern here - picked up playing again on Firetree with the expansion - amazingly was still in Cry Havoc with Scrimmins and Kalig (tho nobody has been on) Miss the old Dedicated day!
Scrimms! Hop on Firetree, I need a promotion in Cry Havoc
(Kleitos )