Firetree Horde Reconnections

Yo Firi! Surprised to finally find you. I’m on Blaumeux with a few other friends. Hit me up.

Also, for anyone that cares, I used to play a Female Orc named NV, lone warrior who pugged and world PvP on the daily.

is that kaizoku? so good

what guild?

What up beef! Briznad and I just started playing again! I’ve taken time off after each expansion. Left for a long bit during Cata to grow my business. We were just talking about you lol

Im friends with Devour basically IRL at this point. hes currently playing TFT

A lot of us are on Benediction if anyone happens to pop into this thread looking for a server to play on!

Hey I was called Sheepdruid, I was part of DoG :slight_smile: I still play with a few people from the guild, Amentoth, Korkee and Ugdhar.

any 19s from Full of Win around

Drez here, I was just looking over screenshots from 2004. Yes 2004! Trying to remember who were my friends and my guild lol. I got screenshots of some of the first PvP raids in 2004 Firetree, one at TM.

I played a Tauren Warrior named Angis (in voice comms you guys would call me Eggplant due to a funny story i told you). I played with a group of guys my age (we were all in high school). I dont remember the character names but we had our voice comm names.

Wolf (or ShadowWolf; or Brent)

I am playing again on Kromcrush as a Dwarf Warrior, Warfulz. Hit me up if you wanna reconnect and roflstomp the battlegrounds and pvp fields again like we use to.

Yeah that was Kaizoku, I think we were in Cake when this happened.

Whats up Xsjado. Its Skitz. I’m playing a little here and there. Haven’t talked with anyone except Sabiath in a long time.

We remade Elysian some years ago.

Where are all the old heads at.


MAAAAAAANNNNN. Many familiar names.

HM :slight_smile:

Sup Sevenfaces!

Yooooo! soo many familiar names! Where the pvpers at? Man…so many memories and stories in Firetree.

This is Cav - Undead rogue #1 pvper in Firetree /flex lol. Fallen Requiem Guild.
Unfortunately I lost all my videos and pictures on my old PC, but i’m glad when Unreal made his videos he put them on YouTube and are still there.
Yo Skitz!, I remember when you were all recruiting me in the guild and I was in Pros Vs Players and I was the only one in the guild since I wouldn’t invite anyone who didn’t pvp hardcore lol. I also remember when Devour wiped us many times, in one particular BWL run we were all like WTF man and he goes. “omg my cat just jumped on my keyboard and made me pull those mobs” LOL. But what I remember the most was the world pvp. Specially in the plaguelands where I was constantly ganking people and when I got jumped many times out of nowhere Unreal would come out and help me kill all the alliance around lol. Fun times. Glad to see many old faces here.
I’m now playing super casual in Whitemaine (don’t have the time I had back then).

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Brother we are still on Firetree and Incendius on classic. Bnet me Xsjado#1554

By the love of god. I never thought I’d see any of all again! <-- Nubblet. Add me Mindrot#1447

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Geedwag from < Cake > troll rogue. Did plenty of world PvP with Genjii, a druid I can’t remember and Cardy orc warrior. Any Firetree players on Whitemane?

Remember farming dragons with cyclone and I for that major questline for your AQ 40 mount?

You ask and ye shall receive… I have returned.

The Infamous Kaizoku , if you don’t know me. Did you even play on firetree?