Firetree Alliance Reconnections

I remember your name.

Hey Ducktv you SOB! Good to see your still kicking

Hell ya, what’s up Rumble!

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Hey Benito long time. How’s it going. Yes I think I did re upload the aq video with all of us dieing on the trash opening night lol. Been trying to find all the ex guildy’s. I do have bnet/real ID for amicus, froude and his wife. Pickoff and his wife Brenda, carvenster, wandering, mugs and a few more.

I have joined atiesh server with the name eventhorizon. With my current job can only play weekends :frowning:

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It’s baconn I remember you in trade chat lol

Coward. :slight_smile:


Hughbert! The best dwarf priest that ever lived.
I didn’t know who this was until Kniavez told me <3
Hope you’re doing well.

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Slight change, rolling horde on Stalagg now. :frowning:

All the good gnomes eventually find the dark side. :wink:
See you there, buddy!


Howdy howdy, it’s gnorby gnorby!

Hey pal. Add me on bnet! Git#1639


Character: Allseeing
Race: Orc
Class Hunter
Vanilla Firetree Guilds: Drunk and Disorderly, D e d i c a t e d
would love to reconnect with anyone from the old guild but the people that stand out are Gveers, Holyhackjack, Zarmon, Tame, Hellzone.
Rolling on Mankrik server for classic as a horde holy priest “usefirstaid”

You playing again, good sir?

Well if it isn’t Baconn. Long time since you would tell me to ignore the rogue hitting you while healing me then just reck bomb them to Oblivion.

Ankelbiterr- gnome warrior with the cutest damn pink pigtails

Your character’s name, race and class.
The name of your original guild on this realm.
Northern Cross
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
“Star” (a night elf)

Eyyyyyyyy rogue leader

Ah good times; using those poor level 54 rogues to plow through entire Blackrock Depths raids or Blacksmith fights.

Yeah, still not sure where though and how much time I’ll devote to it; certainly don’t have the drive and lack of stuff to do like I did as a teenager


I remember walking into gamesterz having no idea people from Chosen played there. Completely by coincidence I played Firetree Horde with no connection to anyone in real life. That was a huge small world moment.

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What’s up, I was a dwarf hunter named Vogelmann, never in DaP but I remember you from Revenant

Played a Dwarf Hunter named Vogelmann in the guild Revenant

Feel free to add me on bnet jakobslad#1377

Planning to roll Horde on Bigglesworth

edit to add some names I remember: Lowynn, Aestas, Presaya, Mamee, Lilhawtness, Murzin (lol)