Benito, gnome rogue. Main guilds were Imperial and Knight Guard. I remember a few names here - @Eventhoriznn, I recently discovered a video of the AQ gate opening that I made that I think you reuploaded. I thought that video was lost forever, but it was a trip seeing that again haha.
Feral Gladiator DuckTV makes an appearance!
Fun fact: that’s my twitch account name. Hope all is well my dude. Didn’t we cross paths on some rando private server?
Was this in Tallahassee? And if so, is Gobbes still alive?
Oh snap, where is Shakyra? I think I still have him on Facebook or Bnet…
Dwarf priest went by Acanti
NE Priest went by Vixsin
I miss you guys
Gobbes is in fact alive. I talk to her now and again
Human Paladin named Helios, eventually turned to Helius after a server transfer
I played Holy and Ret at times… even Prot for a good while when you could stack reckoning
Wish I could remember our old guild name
I remember our long hours and late nights in Molten Core and Onyxia’s lair
If you remember me say hi!
No Mereidenth on your screenshot? Shame on you
- Shorttstuff (Gnome, Troll, Undead) Mage
- Red Blades > Talons of the Zephyr
- All of you clowns. @Cuddlybunny I’ll camp you for 24 hours in Ironforge again if you’d like <3
My squad of 15+ guys will all be rolling on Herod Alliance. Message me if you would like to connect
Shorttstuff#1226 on btag, hit me up friends!
Hey guys, i played a dwarf warrior named Kiser
My little brother played a dwarf paladin named Hadhodd
Was in a guild named Drop a Pot, and later GogoGadgetDonkeyPunch (Shout out to Chinpokomono)
Looking for any ex DaP members! Found Aestas and Lowynn already!
Also in Revenant Guild in BC, Looking for all of you too!
I know you
Bronoren from Lux
This is actually an attempt to find people I raided with back in Burning Crusade. I started playing just after BC came out. I’m using my original pally to post here in hopes they come find me! I can only remember a couple names but here goes.
Pharo > Human > Paladin
Guild > Everything Nice
Guild Leaders > Shugar and Spyce.
Also looking for Mayple a mage we used to group up with
Played through BC and beginning of Wrath with these guys. Would be cool to reconnect.
Resubbed and remade my human pally (Pharo) again on Whitemane. If you find this hit me up. I’m still friends with a couple of our old guild mates!
Hello All,
Rollan, Gnome Mage - Main
Anubiros, Gnome Warlock - Alt
Guild -> Defiance
Where are the old defiance raiders at!? Will be playing on Whitemane, playing a warlock as my main most likely.
I played on Firetree as a gnome mage named Miniscule from launch until BC came out. I was in Ars Praelium. Any AP from the OLD, OLD, OLD days around? I’m rolling horde on Herod now.
Hey man! There are a few DA dudes coming to play Classic with us, Calic is one of them for sure!
Git, were you from Tallahassee this whole time?
Yes this was the LAN center in Tallahassee
Horde Troll Hunter - Holyhackjack
No Life, Dedicated, Drunk N Disorderly
Miss you guys! Playing Horde on Whitemane. Would love to play with you all again.
Holyhackjack#4688 = Discord. Lets connect.
Rystet and Deresdod from C a e l e s t i s will be on Herod. Hit us up!