Fireforged@Eternal Kingdom looking for a dps or two

Team Fireforged: a heroic exclusive raid team within the larger guild, Eternal Kingdom.
Times: Fridays from 7:00 to 10:00 PM server time (Pacific)
Either Alliance or Horde players can be team members. No need to change factions!

Current progression 8/8 Normal, 5/8 Heroic. Team raids are only Heroic right now but the EK guild runs regular Normal runs open to all qualified guild members many times per week.

Need: We’d like to have one or two more DPS on the team. Currently running 22 man raids, but we’d like it closer to 25. Would really like a warrior but any class can work.

Application is required. Find the Eternal Kingdom web site for the link to the application. Gear requirement is 380 and past raid experience also required.

contact damsk#7713 (discord) if you have any questions.

Hi, im a 391 Holy Pally looking for a herioc raid team. i have previous raiding experience on my resto shammy in previous expansions. I am currently 8/8 normal and 3/8 herioc. I would love to talk to someone about trialing