Fire Whirl from Plunderstorm for Shaman?

This ability is extremely cool and immediately recognizable in Plunderstorm. When I see it, the first thing I think of is Shaman in WoW, especially with the way the character sits inside of it. Reminds me of Dathea a bit but in a fire cyclone instead of wind.

Initially the reason I didnt bring this up was because I didnt think Shamans really needed more mobility, but I also 100% thought that about WW monks and now they get Slicing Winds in their spec tree which is insane. They already have: Tigers lust, multiple range increases on certain melee abilities (their slow and their stun), 2 charges of Chi Torpedo/Roll, Flying Serpent Kick (baseline), Lighter Than Air, Rushing Reflexes/Clash, the list goes on.

So if its possible for an already highly mobile spec to get more mobility, I think its safe for Shamans as well especially considering how thematic it is. Maybe a glyph to change it to “Storm Whirl” for a wind/lightning effect.

Thoughts on this? They can always nerf the speed of it if needed if its too fast as well.


damn I tried saying slicing winds should replace gust of wind when plunderstorm first came out

I was reading some monk forums and they don’t even seem too excited for it lol. I would’ve loved this for us.

A lot of the plunderstorm abilities would look great for shamans (slicing winds, fire whirl, searing axe, some good earthquake animations, etc. ) I haven’t checked out any of the new plunderstorm stuff but I’m sure there are some new good ones.

It’s very blizz to recycle assets but I wouldn’t really be mad with any of these.

Also shaman mobility is pretty bad lol and we’ve fallen far behind with the mobility creep. We have a lot of the tools but they all kinda just stink. I feel like they just need slight improvements to be much more viable.


  • wind rush totem should be a true freedom (it was in previous iterations).
  • I loved that thunderous paws or the other one (I can’t remember the name) made ghost wolf feel like it was worth pressing and I even take the totems in ghost wolf talent bc I think it’s fun but I feel like it could still be better. Not sure what they could do, maybe some interaction with feral lunge, feral spirits, idk. Also an updated model would go so hard.
  • And I think gust of wind and spirit walk should be separated. I almost never played gust bc I felt like the root break from spirit walk was basically necessary but I switched to gust recently and it’s just a lot of fun. Now I just think we need both.

Gust owns its basically a blink for shaman, just slightly worse because it isn’t instant movement like mage blink but it still takes you far.

Yeah Searing Axe is another one I kind of wanted, looks so good would be great for enhance, maybe as a Lava Lash animation or just an ability that can replace lava lash idk, but it would be cool to have. Fire Whirl I’d love in the class tree for all of our shaman specs, would be really fun and thematic for shaman.

Slicing winds I can see being a monk thing so I’m okay with it, I’m just surprised it didnt replace anything for WW, like they can just take it without losing any mobility and it does a lot of damage too at least in pvp.

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