Fire the priest dev

0 clue how priest works, you want us to have less cooldowns to press but these changes gave us more to press in actuality.

You took rapture out, which totally screws us in pvp entirely dude…wtf, way to dismiss the player population of pvprs, dismissing the concerns of a minority group isnt cool no matter how you spin it…

Besides, alot of our talents synergize with putting up shields…even the 4 set bonus, yet, we will actually be casting less shields …


Pretty sure there isn’t a staff for Priests. Iirc they left Blizzard during dragonflight beta.


The setbonus IS why Rapture got deleted. They couldn’t think of some other ability to put the proc on.

Short-sighted design is the norm in TWW. They’ll forget to put Rapture back in S3 too.


Yup more than likely

Sometimes it feels like they use the South Park ‘bailout chicken wheel’ method of making priest changes.


You probably aren’t too far off actually. Given Blizzards track record, its more likely some kind of game that objectifies/dehumanizes women rather than something that hurts animals.

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Removing rapture is bad for solo shuffle disc priest…hey thabks fir making my spec utterly useless blizz


Just like the CC changes in TWW. Designed Veng to be busted, so they made the game worse for everyone AND removed what made Veng busted.

They never make sense, they don’t even try to.