Fire owl form

Surely thats better than not at all lol

Im just imagining farming a bird form years down the road like farming Invincible. Geez that sounds like a lame idea.
Should have at least made a slight recolor that’s achievable by more players. By the end of the xpac I may very well be capable of clearing mythic Fyrakk, but getting a group of players together to mythic… that’s a hurdle I don’t see myself having time for.

It’s worse. There have been people farming for over a decade without a drop. RNG is RNG, especially with a weekly lockout.

If you want the form, you’ll farm the 4-5 million gold.

It’s not even playing better. I know players with CE’s that can barely out damage a tank. It’s all about connections and nepotism.

You don’t need leet skills to raid mythic. You need to know people who will show up and do what they say they’ll do when they say they’ll do it.

The only hard boss in mythic is the roster boss.

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chasing CE is a legitimate time investment most people can’t make. plenty of good players who don’t get it due to that.

also find it ironic the people who make comments like this are always posting on alts. you don’t have achieves for heroic raids, probably shouldn’t be telling anyone to ‘just get gud’ lol. no AOTC since sylv, either you’re washed or you also, unironically, don’t have the time to invest in raiding anymore.

oh yeah a few people being sad they can’t get a cosmetic fire birdy is gonna hurt WoW. you guys heard it here first. lol.

Also…“the entitled few” are actually the CE raiders. Since so much resources go into making content for them (less than 1% of population) while the masses pay for it :wink:

Correct. And you also don’t see me complaining about the form either now do you? Nothing ironic about it.

You do understand how FOMO works right? And how much money that makes businesses every year? Okay, there you go.

They’re not the ones complaining that things need to be easier for them so they can have some form. And what exactly are all these “resources” and extra content tailored to them? WoW has always had tiers of difficulties for raids. It’s just renamed from Heroic to Mythic.

Are you sure about that? For season 1, that would account for 3.5 million players in retail alone. Do you think WoW is still sporting that many people?

this statement is quite literally irrelevant in this case given the mount and appearance are gonna be available to obtain still even 5 years from now. do YOU understand what FOMO is? lol.

FOMO = stuff like CM gold sets, gladiator mounts, old mage tower, etc. literally unobtainable past a certain date and pushes people into buying carries before it’s gone.

i don’t really expect someone who posts on alts to have a decent argument, but you could’ve tried.


The smart thing would be to buy a carry with gold, actually. You’ll spend far less time accruing the gold than you would farming for the 4% drop rate mount. Especially because in the 2-3 years it may take to be able to do the legacy content, you’ll still need to go as a raid group and roll against other people for the 4% drop rate mount.

And it will still take you less time to gather 4-5 million gold than it will take you to build a raiding resume and supporting logs to make it into a mythic raiding guild that will actually be capable of killing Mythic Fyrakk.

And yet, people still log in many alts, every week, 15 and a half years later, to get Invincible. It works. It doesn’t have to simply be a time restricted thing. The idea of not getting it at all when it’s right there is FOMO too.

Good try though.

Where is the 4% coming from? By all means, you get 2 drops per Mythic kill. That’s a 10% chance

I am pretty sure this will be the most popular mythic raid mount to date.

Sure the owl will be a lot cheaper in S4, when it’s fated.

The 4% is the drop rate after the content is no longer current…

So whats this fated thing? I think they did it in SL too right? I believe that was the season i took a break though

Is this common practice? Im not much of a mount collector so going back over past raids has never been a priority of mine

Yes, the common practice is that after the content is no longer current the mount drop rate drastically reduces to about a 4% drop rate.

Point being that it’s massively more efficient to just buy a carry time wise, whether you are a mythic raider or not. It’ll probably take 3 months to farm the gold, which is less than what it takes to get into a mythic guild that can kill mythic Fyrakk.

And the comparison gets even more obvious if you’re not a dumbass and just either work a couple of overtime or grab a weekend part-time for a week or two. In 2 weeks or less you’ll make 200-300 bucks, and turn that into gold to pay off the carry. Way more time efficient than either of the above grinds.

It’s not worth that time nor that money IMO lol it can wait a few years to be put on farm like Invincible :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re going to be spending that time inefficiently whether now or in 2 years, you realize the time delayed 2 years later is still time you’re not doing something else?

Correct. But the time it takes to 1 shot everything compared to working a weekend or joining a raid groupis still more efficient

No it isn’t, because it’s a 4% drop rate, so you won’t be seeing that mount drop for years unless you’re farming with multiple toons per week. Each run will still take at least 20 minutes in 2 years. You can’t even run Nyalotha in less than 20 minutes right now, not to mention the time it takes to fill the group because you still can’t solo it.

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This may be off-topic, but I have a suspicion that there will be reskins of Anurelos in the future with different color particle effects. Like a ‘blue fire owl’ version will drop off a rare in the next expansion, or be a skin on the tradepost some month.

@ackhealme, or you could keep thinking everyone who doesn’t do mythic raiding is stupid?

You, my friend, are the problem. Go check out the D4 store and tell me otherwise.