Fire or Frost mage? new alt

I am leveling a mage but have not played one in years. I know fire is the best spec now but will frost be better in 9.1? Should I level as frost or fire for the majority of the time? which spec should I focus on. I enjoy both. Also, which covenant ?


Arcane because it’s pretty.


Why should we decide that for you and google for you?

I like frost more than fire, but fire is the current meta spec.


gee, that was helpful. :roll_eyes:

i’d suggest frost 100% of the time for leveling, especially if you’re still getting a feel for the class.

unless you’re planning on hardcore endgame play, go with whichever covenant “feels” like it suits your characters theme the most.
my frost mage went with night fae, no particular reason, i just liked the cute stuff :joy:

there are lots of threads in the mage forum with people giving advice (although
 some of them are probably going to be about as helpful as Failea)

wowhead also has pvp/pve guides for each spec

really, it all comes down to what your intentions for the character are.

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I did look into it and some ppl prob have some good advice which would be nice to hear. Why even comment?

google also doesn’t really help, especially when things change so frequently.

i don’t know why people get offended when people ask wow questions on the wow forum

I’ll be honest, I’m just annoyed with the “what’s fotm next month” questions. Literally google “best mage spec 9.1” and you get all the speculations based on what we know right now.

Same goes for covenant choices.

Other than that, how am I supposed to know what the op will enjoy more or what’s better for them? I like frost better, others like fire or arcane better. I can’t know what playstyle feels better to someone else and the op sounded as if they want to play whatever is best in 9.1 anyway.

But op: fire is meta atm, might or might not switch to frost in 9.1. Fire gets some nerfs but we don’t know the final balancing for anything including covenants yet.

Frost felt better for me leveling. Mostly because of all the slows that really help when you’re squishy like we are.

I’m sorry I didn’t try to say something more useful in my first reply, but it’s really the “what’s fotm next month” that always kinda annoys me and it wasn’t a personal thing.

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I said I enjoyed both. I am also just interested to hear other ppls opinions in general, from their perspective, especially if they have played the class a lot.

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No one knows what Meta will be in 9.1 because the PTR just went live. Their still tuning

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My Mage is Arcane and I really like it. I think it’s going to be really good in 9.1 but we’ll see how things go. I also thought it was going to be really good looking at the SL beta sims, but here we are lol.


I’d advise you to get comfortable with playing two of the three specs just because I didn’t do that and now I’m so deep into just playing frost that arcane and fire feel really weird to me. That’s the only additional thing I feel I can say that might be helpful.

This can help whenever one or the other is better on a certain fight in case you want to raid, but also e.g. In Torghast depending of what powers you get there.

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I think this is probably the most helpful answer. I’ve only been frost since Vanilla and am considering making a new fire only mage since the mechanics are so lost with me. I feel like it would help to level low dungeons and learn rotations easier than jump into SL with all the bells and whistles, then be told I’m a noob for a few months.

Arcane is an easy spec for all skill levels and does great damage. It has good burst and also multi target damage but doesn’t have many buttons to use. I think for leveling it scales the best but I haven’t tried frost this expansion.

We could both level a mage together. I’d even do it on alliance - but I’d go arcane not fire - cause I have that same problem. Not since vanilla, but since cata :sweat_smile:

Are you mythic raiding or doing keys higher than 15? If not play what ever you want.

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Fire allows you to go Super Saiyan which is cool, but outside it is boring
Frost is fine for most things but lacks the Super Saiyan mode

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Neither. Join the Dark side😈

I’ve always enjoyed having Frost Mages around. I don’t think they’re horrible, even when shadowed by Fire, and I think they’ll scale better.

But given that, I say Arcane because I like underdog specs