Fire mage pressed Blazing barrier

Fire mage absorbs 123k dmg

Why do mages get a safeguard (3min cd proc) on a 25 sec cd?

Between this and temp any 1600 mage gets to stand in the middle of the map for wayyyy to long.

Blizzard plz help


Just purge it bro.
Jk ur stunned

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Safeguard is supposedly planned for a nerf getting a nerf iirc. Mages on the other hand are planned for a buff.

Blizz, gotta love their class favoritism.

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mages r getting a buff?


gotta be a troll.

they weren’t trolling

ah damn. was expecting gpie to now do 50% overall dmg and have its cast time cut in half.

still lol at giving most represented class in 3s a buff and none of under performing specs.

oh blizz yall funny

With hella gear my shield only crits for like 85k max. Gonna send in a ticket to blizz

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Oh damn yeah no this changes everything, only 85k?

We deserve more than a 25% dispellable wall every 30 seconds. Doesn’t even absorb an entire chaos bolt smh :roll_eyes:

Mages are the white privilege trust fund brats of the wow world

You deserve to be punished for your ignorance to all the mistakes you don’t know you made

Fact is punishing mages in bfa isn’t a thing


Ok ok, you got me. Nice trolling. Almost fell for it

Mage has barrier at start

Do damage to break barrier

Barrier off CD

Break barrier again

Temp shield is available

Don’t forget they can CC to prevent damage

By the time these have been dealt with barrier is off CD again

“Just purge the barrier” I present you with “just poly the person who can purge”

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Its alright next patch they’ll have safeguard, safeguard 25sec cd and safeguard half cd as a racial. Good luck killing rmp with mechagnomes


kick the poly n00b

*shimmers *

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Kicks polly,

Gets dBd , polly

It’s like the old joke of juked melee kick , stun

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Make shimmer a 45s CD to be activated for blink. Seems like a fair trade
Purgeable but can be used while casting

no, remove shimmer from fire and frost, give frost deep freeze back, arcane keeps shimmer, fire keeps db

And still purgeable