Fire mage overtuned as shown in the AWC


fire mage doing +100% dmg more than the already overpowered spriest… how is this balanced blizzard?
my prenerf ret couldn’t even do that. my postnerf ret cant even do that…

just curious, why is no one focusing down the fire mage in any of the AWCs (pika’s team finally does it and wins easily lol)? they’re squishy with their health reduction from their pvp talent Glass Cannon

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It’s mostly ignite dam. Ignite needs like a 40% pvp nerf

all they really have to do is remove ignite from glass cannon

they may need to shift a slight amount of that lost damage into something else tho

no its fine that casters no longer cast for major damage… all is well

Ignite can be dispelled lmfao.

but can be immediately reapplied so idk

Yes best not waste the global. Don’t run judgement of the pure either.

If you dispel a 40k ignite it will reapply as 40k. Your better off not wasting the global and doing more damage to mage.

valuable advice to defeat filthy fire wizards :sweat_smile:

Pre and post nerf ret also doesn’t fall over as easily.

Would you like a buff that gives you 100% more damage but takes 20% of your health and reduces your armor to MAGE LEVELS? You don’t get to keep your health and plate armor you get to have mage armor value levels.

if so I got news for you. This is possible! Reroll mage and join the fire mage community! :kissing_heart:


ignite rolls you don’t just reapply a 50k ignite lmao

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Stop lying, its 50k ignite instantly the next global.

Don’t listen protein. Its never worth the GCD to dispel ignite or ring of fire. This filthy mage is baiting u. Never run judgement dispel or bother to dispel ignite or ring of fire.

Just max DPS the mage.

Ignite is also shared dmg like meteor so if u stack it splits the dmg between everyone. Also a good tip


Mages can be killed.
Their rogue buddies on the other hand are immortal.

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This mage is a charlatan out to steal your precious CR OP.

See the picture he posted of himself?


Wait. I’m confused. Are you calling for fire mages to be buffed or nerfed?

was wondering why the rank 1 players let the mage mow them down uninterrupted like a pve m+ dungeon

Alter time, ice block x2 and heal to full each time, cheat death, 200k icelances, frost barrier, blazing barrier, shadowmeld into greater invisi. They dont die!@

Mages are like sub rogues are too OP needs nerf imo to immortal defenses


Having fun with the less fortunate

Give my fellow paladin a break!

Does the direct link to this timestamp not work? Let’s see
we’re just gonna do this instead

I just clicked your link and it took me to the beginning of the vod.

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