Hello, I am currently timerunning with a fire mage, and I am getting pretty poor DPS as well as being very squishy. I feel as if the spell casting time + cooldowns is not worth it for how little damage I put out. I try to get Hot Streak and Heating Up, but Fire Blast seems like the only spell worth casting for damage, and certain elites can kill me much faster than I could kill them, not to mention the total lack of active healing. So, apart from complaining, I do have a question. Is this purely a “skill issue” on my part, do fire mages get better at higher levels (I am about lv. 27), OR are fire mages just bad for this season/event? Thank you.
Fire is pretty terrible to level / solo content with. Spec relies heavily on Combustion uptime/CDR so you pretty much overkill any mob with Combust up and hit like a noodle until it’s back. Generally recommended to level as Frost/Arcane and switch over at max.
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I just started leveling a fire mage last night and the first few levels are a drag for sure. Once you can get the firestarter talent, it’s pretty much all downhill from there. Most mobs die with a single fireball plus fireblast or a FB + pyro. For aoe, arcane explosion is actually pretty decent.
With some tinker gems that proc DMG, enemies just fall over.
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