Fire mage is perfectly balanced

For sure, lots of things need to be tuned I just hope whoever reads all this gathers the fact, that tuning is important and needed, gutting a spec that’s too strong rendering it completely worthless, that there is a huge problem, that’s the message I’m trying to get off

Fire oneshots
Boomkin 60k starsurge
Rets swinging the hammer for 80k
Feral 80k ferocious bite

All super busted and should be worked on, however I still want to see all of those specs viable in arena… bm hunter sub rogue etc are actually sad after their “tuning” which was in fact gutting into the ground

Gutting certain specs, is a buff to others…

If MM hunter was strong, fire mages would not be reigning supreme

If sub rogue was strong, there would be a ton of comps they could be in, to counter another bunch of comps due to control

Bm being strong would keep rot cleaves in check… I.e. Assa spriest

Gutting has a bigger effect on the game than just hurting the said spec that was gutted

Topic is about fire. Bringing other specs into it is deflection. If you care so much about ‘debate’ the merits of your argument shouldn’t be akin to “oh but these guys are strong too”.


I don’t understand how anyone can defend this joke of a class/spec. If you rerolled fire, as well as having rerolled arcane in legion, you are part of the problem of why this game is a joke. Most of the issues with mages stems from the fact that healers only have one dispell, so every mage can just spam poly someone, then swap it to someone else, nova, etc… Every mage in here defending this garbage is playing fire, there is a reason why you are and why you 100% played arcane in legion. The only solution I could think of is disabling azerite traits in pvp or at least not allowing you to stack the traits would certainly help.

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I get deathly sick for 2 days and come back to this

what are you nerds even on about, there has not been a single season since season 2 that hasn’t had overpowered bull (s1 had it too we were all just idiots). At what point do you stop complaining about something that has been consistent for almost 12 years?

Go down the list of seasons and point at a single one that didn’t have something busted I dare you, then think about all the time you’ve ever spent complaining about class design/balance. If you’re new to WoW PvP, take this as a piece of advice - don’t waste your breath, enjoy the ride and don’t take it too seriously

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Pvp community with any sense have been asking this since before BFA launched. But devs don’t give a crap.

Flat our disable them. No half measures. /Ehrmantraut

Defending it because you rerolled to fire LOL

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He got fragility off. That’s a pretty big contribution tbh considering we’re talking about a 100-0 scenario. But, damage wise I don’t think he had a single global. Maybe a conflag.

Stupid philosophy and doesn’t change that any % dmg ability is bad for PvP. So Shimmer and Gpyro need to be removed. 100% facts

Buffing X to counter something completely broken is lunacy. It also means then you have to play with X which people should just play what they like and not have to fight broken specs instead.

Got heeem :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


just wait til you see my arcane build >:) its infinitely stupider

Just going to throw my 2cents in, Surv hunter that has been playing majority of the season at high rating 3k+

Fire does a ridiculous amount of damage currently for how easy it is to get off. The fact you even see Double Fire mage 3s comps running around at 3k right now screams broken just by itself. The amount of damage they can do in just a few global is overkill and completely instant casts. What if they did this to a different healer that wasn’t a paladin with bubble? There isn’t even a chance they live because they don’t have the option of bubble.

They are blatantly broken and need to be adjusted. When the whole idea of a class is to basically one shot someone in a stun it’s terrible game design and not interactive at all.

The thing is if you just nerf their damage so they can’t do this anymore then that removes the whole gimmick and reason why people play them. No one is going to play them anymore if you just nerf their damage so that calls for a gut/rework.

Shimmer with Gpie/Poly is also insanely broken. LOS doesn’t mean anything against mages anymore when they can just blink spam around a pillar to poly or GPIE you. And anyone with a melee range kick GL kicking a mage abusing this. They will always blink away from you before you get into range for kick or right towards the end of their cast so you can’t kick it.

This might be the worst state I’ve seen mages in besides during Mop with Deep poly/ring spam.

I think part of think part of the problem right now too is there is nothing that really destroys or counters mages currently. Historically MM hunter always did very well vs them and was sort of the Anti-Mage/Caster class. Next patch has some substantial MM hunter changes and it could be a good counter to what is mage sitting in the open right now blink casting Gpies for free. It’s hard for a survival hunter to currently stick to them for damage and reliably kick them.

TL;DR - Mage without a doubt needs a nerf right now, but nerfing their damage just removes the gimmick of fire mage and the reason why people play them. They just need to be reworked mechanically to not be a one shot gimmick.

EDIT: Grammar and adding a few other thoughts.


This 100% send to Devs to make it so

Close thread

Imo just redesign the spec. Remove this whole instant cast/ off global cast crit chain bologna.


But you aren’t playing arcane, you are playing fire for a reason :slight_smile:

bcuz its fun

You have to be trolling, thats what literally everyone that rerolled fire says, despite it being the same the whole xpac. You are playing it because its broken, you along with every other player will overreact to a small nerf and reroll and then say the same thing when you get called out for rerolling yet once again. I’m done here, enjoy the free rating while you can


If people think Fire currently is fun then this game really has no hope left in PvP.

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This thread has turned into the most intense case of back pedaling an argument I’ve ever seen. Lol. “I think the damage is fine” “uh, uh I uh uh never uh said fire mage damage was fine uh I just want my spec not gutted uh uh” get real.


cant have fun in 2018

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Fire Mages ruin people’s fun :sob:

Just gut fire lmao, it’ll be better for everyone