I’m not going to pretend to be some R1 dude or anything but I mean… do you fellas know what you’re even arguing?
Seems OP says he’s cool with nerfs, just not rednered “unplayable” like say, Frost DK. Is that NOT fair…? I mean why is everyone bashing him? We all know fire mage’s play style currently is a little busted; but what are you guys all worked up about lol
People are arguing with Mmrkleptèr not the OP. And it’s because that is what his position has morphed in to after being forced into a corner. Originally he was here just defending how OP Fire Mage is and blaming others for dying to it.
Rofl I love how melee cry, REEE I SHOULDNT HAVE TO POP DEFENSIVES OR KICK ANYTHING. I should just be ALLOWED to tunnel this warlock, ignore the mage and collect points. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Thats how I read all complaining regarding mages. How about this, you can nerf mages when ALL melee damage and gap closers are tuned down and you actually you know have to line up a CC or do something other then mongloid smash your keyboard and hit 123 and tunnel something to death with unhealable damage. When melee lose gap closers, have reduced damage, lose ranged kicks and require a brain, ONLY then can you gut one shot fire mage spec. Otherwise this game would devolve into a bunch of drooling turbos spamming 123 123 123 while they pound their spacebar to jump strafe
Imagine living in a world where you can play like crap, get caught out in the open against a double caster cleave, make a massive mistake in how you handle the damage (that you deserve to take) and still think there is an issue.
He had time to bubble but decided the greedy mini wall play was a better choice. It was not.
Someone thinking you getting solo’d 100-0 threw wall is ok. Bad game and the Devs should feel bad for making the game bad. Again PvP participation won’t be good across all aspect of PvP until broken things get fixed. BFA’s biggest issue has been gimmick one shotting.
This is no better than a Rogue 1 shotting with Dagger toss or a Monk 1 shotting with ToD. It’s all the same and needs to be removed.
He made a massive mistake, Abomb. How can you not see this? He should have been next to a pillar where he could have chosen to trinket the poly and line the GP or even HOJ it.
What was his team doing the whole time? No one see’s the Mage casting GP?
Is the damage high? Sure! Probably too high. But the team played like crap. Sorry you don’t see it that way but this game isn’t going to be 4 melees spamming buttons in the middle of a map while healers free cast. Your vision of the game, where all casters are trash, is an awful vision.
Fixed it for you. The Devs 100% made a massive mistake. Remove Gpyro, Shimmer and fix bad design. Bad abilities are bad and there is no disputing that. You can’t justify it no matter what. The time now should be focused on Fixing these things.
Shimmer is necessary because of how high mobility is for melee. You fail to see this and understand this in every post you make about melee.
I think Shimmer is dumb too (I don’t play a Mage btw, I’m a DK main with MW Monk and Surv Hunter alt) but I think the amount of mobility melee has is silly and there is a clear correlation to the double blink Shimmer gives you and why mages are so strong not just in the meta but in relation to other casters.
Omegalul… Again no you can’t justify it and again you act like you can’t perma root or cc melee. Trying to justify something that is 100% broken is why we can’t have nice things. Just fix everything that is broken. It isn’t hard. It’s like you want the game to be bad on purpose instead of having better class design.
No i mean unless you are talking about things like Rogue, Feral, DH which aren’t melee. 2 stealth classes and the first flying class aren’t melee. Yes they need to be fixed.
However true melee are fine and sometimes can’t stay on targets.
imagine living in a world where you make a minor positioning mistake and get 1 shotted by a fire mage with damage amplifiers alone while being at full hp. The lock didnt even do anything but snare the pally.
Furthermore imagine this happening in Warmode, BGs, RBGs etc etc… You are guarding a base Fire God shows up I think I am fine in Poly guys… Nope Dead. There is a lot more to PvP than 3’s too guys. No one should get 100-0 out of a poly 1 v 1. No one. It’s bad in every way.
Once again, the lock didnt do anything. It was just the mage and all the amplifiers he got. No class should be able to 1 shot someone, period. Even destruction lock in legion s7 wasn’t as cancerous as this.
“I uninstalled game
I don’t even play
But listen to my feedback
It matters
I don’t support this company but do what I want
I don’t play but I troll the forums still
I post on my warrior but I disenchanted all my gear and don’t play warrior “
Yea blizz, this guy, this is the guy that should be questioned before any changes are made, the guy that doesn’t play
I supported the company in this Beta for Azeroth. It’s still really broken and no customer should pay for garbage. The game is bad man so just stop.
There is a thing called a sub it runs out in Dec. I paid to voice my dislike with the lack of fixes to broken class design ruining the game.
Yes just like most other people that bought this thinking it could be great. Unfortunately there is no one working on this game. It’s all about recolor this remap that and don’t work on class design but here is a new trait that you can’t get from RNG.
You are a troll. Paying customers that are leaving should be asked what made them quit a game they used to love. When the answer is pretty much the same across the board. Then it is actually The Devs and Blizzards fault.
Just like this game not wasting my time talking to trolls anymore that have no intention on making the game better or bringing people back that were lost. Subs are way down. More people leave everyday than join. Do the math.
You clearly care… you’re still “wasting your time”
There are forums dedicated to problems with the game but I’m sure you’re just sitting in the arena forums, don’t claim martyrdom when you’re just in here disagreeing with anyone trying to do exactly what your claim to be doing.
You’re just agreeing with anyone that has exactly what you have to say
Anyone with a different view is wrong to abomb
There are ways to go about disagreement, and purveying your stance in order to “hopefully” improve game mechanics, but this isn’t it.
Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. I end up skimming these things because it seems like a bunch of prepubescent children whining over there very first game mic on Xbox or something. “Imagine thinking… imagine saying… imagine… “ so annoying to read. I’d be embarrassed talking like that all the time but I guess that’s not the point.
Regardless, I understand now. Yeah fire is over tuned. Yeah the pally’s choices were bad. Let’s just agree there’s a plethora of things wrong currently shall we?