Translation: I’m salty and want to complain… listen to me pleaseeeeeee
I’ll give you that I have 0 rbg games played, I have no insight on how much of a problem they are in rbg currently
My friend I literally qd in to chanimals and killed his team in 20 seconds.
Spec is memes bud
You can keep saying what you’re saying, but honestly it just comes off as being absolutely terrified of fire getting nerfed, so I don’t know hombre. You don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’re not smart enough to understand that so talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.
Exactly even Rank 1’s can get beat by just getting nuked. Then ppl think it takes skill to set up lol. My sides hurt. These same ppl will defend DH, Rogues and Boomkins in the same breath which all need massive nerfs.
I don’t care if fire is tuned, I care if it’s gutted
I can play Frost
I can play arcane
I can also play 11 other toons
I’m offering constructive criticism and you’re being defensive and accusing
Move out the basement bro maybe get some social interaction learn to speak with humans in debate
Hard to debate with someone that says “fire is not a problem at all when I play other characters” you’re someone who clearly doesn’t understand the game and how it works. That’s arguing with a brick wall.
Fire needs to get gutted and redesigned any sane player wants that. People have offered other design options even in this thread after removing Shimmer and Gpyro. Fire Gods are not ok. It’s time they fall from the heavens.
My personal opinion on playing against fire, where I actually use counter play, read their moves and adjust my gameplay to survive.
Yea you probably right that’s just stupid and useless bc you got oneshot before, when I got oneshot I adapted, but I’m the dumb one here aye?
I do understand the game and how it works, I’ve played every class over 2.2 in every season of legion, granted I have strange work hours and cannot queue with a consistent team
Gutting classes is what GOT US HERE history does what? Repeats itself, so keep asking for the same thing, and expect different results, I don’t care
That isn’t correct, and it’s a gross misunderstanding of what Phen is saying. The reason we’re in this position is due to high damage that is easy to get off, and specs not having enough tools to deal with it.
No one is saying fire should lose all its utility, people are saying an incredible outlier in terms of damage should be brought in line with other specs damage.
Again ask literally every rank 1, they will all tell you gutting things is a problem, again blizzard does not redesign anything they gut it, then let it sit
Bm hunter
Ele sham
Sub rogue
Arcane mage
Mm hunter
Ww monk
All warlocks
Frost dk (unholy has some viability comming into action)
Gutted and left to sit there, seems legit
Never did they gut warrior, so I can understand why you beg for gutting, once they get you, your point of view will change I’m sure
Again, for the last time, no disrespect, I’m saying don’t gut fire, go ahead and tune the damage, don’t gut it
I’m not good enough to figure out how to counter mages coming out from stealth then obliterating my family
Not saying it’s impossible to counter because maybe it is but I personally haven’t put much thought into it since i haven’t qd many games yet but man when I grabbed a fire mage to q mlx I don’t think I’ve ever played easier matches
Meteor has been nerfed by 20-30% already. Blaster master is getting substantially toned down in 2 weeks, that should kinda deal with the crazy ignites.
So, what you’re saying is fire assas having too much damage and annihilation top tier multi r1 players is just because they haven’t adapted.
“I’ve played past 2.2 in every season of legion. I do understand the game” yikes man you just threw out all credibility right there. Yeah, you’re done here lol.
personally I think you need to learn the game yourself before telling others.
Exactly, this is tuning, they’re lowering the numbers on a couple of things, and they will see how it will work… granted it’s not the fastest but they’re not killing fire yet… considering frost is dead in 8.1 and arcane no changes, Fire is something that needs to remain un-gutted
So I’m pretty inexperienced in pvp. Maybe I’m wrong but from what I’m seeing the Pally was trying to follow his team and go on lock? Got polyed and your omnibar is telling me that the hunter just had to kick your gp so he could make it back to them. Vs two ranged I just think this is a case of stupid games, stupid prizes.
Side note. Percentage based damage is dumb ;p
Wrong gutting things that are broken and bad for PvP isn’t a problem. Most players would be really happy if they gut Fire Gods.
I am not even playing Warrior. Your point is moot. What I play is irrelevant. We must look at PvP overall without bias. People uninstall everyday because of broken traits, gimmicks and abilities. RIP PvP as long as things like Fire Gods exist.
You not wanting this fixed is why we can’t have nice things.
So log on your main…
Just to get this clear…
all those dead specs I mentioned, they’re working as intended right now?
Just really curious if you think that’s how this game should be, generally concerned for you.