Fire Mage Damage

My dps is and feels extremely low. I don’t have the benefit (most of the time) of running with Augmentation and/or Priest, so I’m having to carry my own damage. What gives? Was fire mage nerfed to the point that externals are needed to be able to do good damage?

I’m not sure how much difference externals make. My raid group doesn’t do anything serious so I don’t need to be super sweaty and we’ve never had an Aug so can’t speak to that. I’m also not my group’s PI target, that usually goes to the Ret Pally (because the class that a monkey could play needs the extra help I guess :joy:).

Just looking at your gear I’m curious as to how much uptime you’re getting from Blue Silken Lining? I feel like I’m hardly ever above 90% health for very long these days, plus it looks like you’re already pretty Mastery heavy anyway so BSL might be superfluous for you. Maybe switch to the Shadowflame embellishment and see if that helps? Probably won’t be a huge difference but may be worth a try.

As for the rest, make sure your rotation is tight. I’ve gotten sloppy myself there lately I will admit, but at this point doing recycled raids I don’t care really, and like I said for what my group is doing it doesn’t matter much. The voters picked the most annoying set bonus of DF for us, so thank the rabble for making us have to worry about Charring Embers. Point being that that’s a huge part of our DPS so make sure you save PF charges to keep that up.

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Fire feels like it’s in kind of a sweaty place in raid right now…between SKB, Flame Accelerant, keeping up Charred Embers, using the 4 set, and keeping up Imp Scorch in execute, it feels like a lot to juggle/prioritize for l just decent-ish damage in ST. Suncaller and Augury are also consistently doing like 15%+ of my damage - feels kind of silly to consider how little I’d be doing without them in the scheme of things. Then again, I’m not particularly good lol

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I don’t really do any raiding - just M+ and I find it super difficult to compete with Warlocks, Ret Paladins, or even Frost Mages that I run with. My spells just feel like wet noodles. Doesn’t seem to matter much if I run the current meta build or a flamestrike build, it just feels like I’m doing half the damage I should be.