Hello and thanks for stopping by to take a look at our post! My partner and I are currently looking for a new guild that takes its raiding time a more seriously but still has a good time. 
Current tier experience
Fire Mage : 10/10 M
me (Enhancement shaman) : 6/10 H
Feel free to contact me directly for questions and links to logs
battle tag: Frumpy#1155
Cake Plantation is a newly reformed guild on Illidan and looking to get back into the mythic scene. We’re a guild of raid veterans looking to enjoy pushing content, having fun, and fostering an environment for life long friends. We consider ourselves as a cas-core guild looking to progress at a great pace while also having a good life/game balance. If you’re into fun times, funny people, and bad transmogs, we’re probably the guild for you.
Raid Schedule:
Sunday/Monday 9pm-12am EST(6pm-9pm PST)
Atoxsis- Bnet: Seff#1651 Discord:Atoxsis#52344
Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.
Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)
Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)
Thank you,
Real ID add
We make both dick and fart jokes - while also taking raiding a bit too seriously. Its a blast. Check us out and hmu if you’re interested -
[H] Shady Acres - 1/10M 10/10H - LF TANK/HEAL/DPS - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Hey there, I’m with Dogecoin. We’re currently 9/10 H, looking to fill out a couple spots for mythic. Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm est. If that works for you or you’d like to discuss further, you can message me at:
Battletag - Adam#14502
Discord - Adam#7838
Please apply so i can see your logs
Guild & Server: :horde: US-Area52
Raid Times/Days: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8pm - 11pm EST
Current Progression: 3/10M
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Bakuga#1745 , Bnet: Festy#1136
Application: forms.gle/FvQ3UkMTTfhZVuoPA
Requirements: good attitude, able to dissect your own logs to improve each week.
Needs: DPS- Boomkin/War/Lock Heals- Disc