Fire and frost mage at the bottom

So the week 5 raid dps rankings dropped for heroic. Fire and frost mage are the two dps at the very bottom. What is this? Blizzard can you look into mage which is severely drowning right now.


Fire is doing fine in mythic, why is it doing so much worse in heroic?

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Because Fire does better the longer targets are alive ( I would assume)

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Right, but the average player is not going to step foot into mythic raiding. Thats a pretty big keep from bottom to top from heroic to mythic. That’s a problem.


Frost is currently deflated because SS is insanely difficult to optimize to a competitive level. FF is still slightly undertuned. Come the .5 patch, frost will most likely need to be aura buffed

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Blizzard only balances the game around the most challenging content. So, if you are doing only Heroic Raid or below, I’m sorry; it is what it is. The same goes for if you are only doing M+ 10 or below. I have learned this after many years.


After i looked up the stats for Arcane mage from WoWHEAD , than i realize everyone is probably gearing up their class wrong , especially with Hero Talents. I believe everyone is still using the same basic stats to gear up their class. Hero Talents is a game changer for gearing up classes. Choosing the wrong Hero Talents with the wrong stats on gear changes everything.

Fire mage
Sunfury - Haste , Mastery , Versatility, and Crit .
FrostFire - Haste , Versatility , Mastery, and Crit .

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Actually, it’s the opposite. Fire double dips into Haste because it both lets you cast more in Combustion and helps get Combustion back faster, so having a fight that’s 1/3rd in Bloodlust does a lot for them.

Most of the time stat weights in guides are based off simulations using Simcraft. The stats given in guides are usually what you want at the top end of gearing but can differ while getting geared. Generally you want to sim yourself to see your weights. Normally you’ll end up in the same place as a guide, but it’s never a bad idea to see what you specifically need in the moment. Most times, if you have too much of one stat it makes the others better and you’ll hit a breakpoint where another stat is better for a bit, but it seems like the diminishing returns points on stats are too high this season so stacking 1 stat (Haste for Fire Mage) is more powerful than it has been in recent years.

Yep. Fire needs targets to be alive for a long period of time so the ignite damage just skyrockets. However if the targets die too fast before ignite starts really going it’s a huge DPS loss for Fire. The issue is more so in the spec design rather than tuning.

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