I had 10 Apprentice’s Crafting Licenses (after putting 2 up on the auction house) and 9 Rank 2 Tempered Frameworks in my reagent bag. I had just checked to see if it was worth buying more frameworks right now, but it wasn’t, so I logged off. I then forgot that I’d wanted to go to my Class Order Hall to send some missions for Blood of Sargeras and logged back in. When I logged back in I noticed my reagent bag was suspiciously emptier than it was before. The first place I checked was the auction house in case I’d accidentally listed them, but they weren’t there. They weren’t at the buy back at vendors and they weren’t in my bank, nor were they in item restoration. I disabled all my addons to see if it was a display error, but no, they’re just gone.
This is the second time it’s happened though. The first time I thought I accidentally posted them on the auction house because I’d posted a couple extras, but then the whole stack was not in my inventory, so I assumed I accidentally listed all the ones I had. It was the same exact items as well (I keep them in the same place though, to easily keep track of them for crafting). Lots of other things in my reagent bags have not disappeared.
Several hours later… They’re back… added to stacks I had in my bags.