Finely Tailored Holiday recipes/appearance?

Where do we get them now days? Only info I can find on them on Google/WoWHead seems dated.

if it hasn’t been updated, the items probably still drop from the listed bosses.

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I guess I’ll head to Night Hold

i just got the red one from Freehold

quick run to the boss.

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Nice, I wonder if he drop’s the rest of the outfit

which other pieces are you after?

the winter clothes are made by tailors

the boots are made by leatherworkers

presumably the pieces titled like this:

They’ve been on WoWhead since 10.0.5 or something IIRC? This is the first Winter Holiday since then so people were kind of expecting to get the set now, either through the Holiday or Trading Post, but it seems to still just be the hats.

those things have been in the game for years, but they’re not obtainable.

pretty sure it’s just NPC clothing

this shows a legendary version in Tomb of Sargeras

i’m sure not going to waste any time pretending it’s a thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay yeah you’re right, they were added in Legion.

The 10.0.5 thing was that they were added to the list of white items that can be transmogged, when they added that functionality, which I suppose is why people were looking for them this expansion. Not sure if that was even live or just PTR though.

(doesn’t help that they’re marked ‘cosmetic’ like you can add it to your collection)

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my mage is looking very festive, but i don’t like the visual glitch caused by the long gloves around the armpits.
there shouldn’t be any skin showing, she’s wearing a long sleeve shirt.

That’s the old set no? I’m talking about the less revealing versions

The hi-res chest and legs are only available as appearances from the winter veil toy, the listings in the appearance tab are something of a bug as you can’t get those items atm.

For a good festive look the red color of the Tuskarr set works real well and pairs nicely with the sword and boots from this months Trading Post.

the only “finely tailored” pieces available to players, are the hats.

They’re in the appearance tab

there’s a cloth “Stormcloth” set in the appearance tab which has never been available to players. (dunno if they’ve removed it yet, Elune knows i’ve reported it enough) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

you were doing the right thing.
wowhead is smarter than the appearance tab.
check to see if stuff exists before wasting time trying to farm it!!

(perhaps blizz could be generous, and add them to our tree gifts!!) :thinking: