Finding out old names

My first character in wow went through multiple name changes and now I can’t remember what his original name was. Is there any website I can go to to find out my first character was orginally named? I wanna recreate that name for vanilla.

U can try and call blizzard

Never change your name, I’ve been using this name since MSN Messenger and Geocities was a thing, and Gmail was in their invite only beta :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you sure you want to recreate your original name? Maybe you forgot it for a good reason? :thinking:

Trust yer :brain:

Try Warcraft Realms and find your old guild.

i called Blizzard for similar questions. 1 for messed up achievements. 2. Getting the original account information.

They told me neither could be taken care of for really old accounts.

I dunno man, if you can’t remember what your first character’s name was, maybe you aren’t meant to use it.