Finding New Pets in TWW (not from pet battling)

TL;DR Found a new pet in a treasure, collected three new pets in the wild which aren’t part of Safari, completed Safari, and Waxwick is the reward, but for whatever reason, he’s cageable and according to the notes, I can have three of them.

  1. Mind Slurp

I didn’t see a thread about this, but I just found a pet inside a treasure chest, and thought I would share the information here, if anyone wants.

I’ve just about completed the Safari. (So you might say it’s Safari, So Good.) And I found a chest with Mind Slurp in it.

Which sounds disgusting, but it’s basically an Ooze (which looks like a purple-to-black brain), with its own unique moveset. It’s in Azj-Kahet - Lower, the Maddening Deep, TomTom coordinates 62.79, 87.90. You may only have one, not three, and it is not cageable.

Final stats at level 25 are, H:1465, P:273, S:289. So, I’m guessing he’s B/B. Abilities are: Ooze, Tough, Glop, Consume Corpse/Corrosion, Void Cyclone, Creeping Insanity.

There is a hostile NPC there, who begs you for help then attacks you. Loot the key from her, then open the chest.

Done. You may have to wait on this one. Azj-Kahet - Lower seems to be 80th level.

  1. Waxwick, the Safari reward

ETA: Finished Safari and got a new pet, Waxwick. He’s a pet pale candle with a ghoulish face. Final stats are 1400, 357, 227. That’s a P/P, no question. Unsurprisingly, he’s an Elemental pet with all flame-based attacks.

But this is wild. I got him as a reward for completing Safari, but . . . the description says I can have three of them, and I can cage him!

Is this a mistake?

  1. Three capturable pets not part of the Safari

Speaking of possible mistakes, I found three more capturable pets that weren’t part of Safari. I completed the Safari and I’m still finding more pets.

I was given a quest to a place called Mmarl, where everyone there cons orange. Meaning they hate your guts but won’t attack you. Like the Timbermaw in Felwood. I didn’t stay long, but I think they might have a Horde side and an Alliance side.

I found a Pinkskin Burrower, a Beast pet. Weird thing about it is that I brought him down to 1 point (thanks, Grumpy), but I had a notification that this pet isn’t sufficiently low health to capture, but after throwing the cage three times, I caught him.

I also found an Undermoth, and every one of them I’ve fought is a Rare quality. Draw your own conclusions. Undermoth uses flying attacks, has the Preen ability, plus two Magical attacks: Focused Beams and Void Nova.

Finally there was a Skittish Sniffler, another Beast pet. Check for Stone Rush when attempt to capture it, otherwise, it will likely suicide when you try to capture it.


I completed the Safari achievement at 6AM PST. No pet awarded.

I stand corrected, it just dropped into my backback…never had that happen before…lol


I’m a little puzzled as to why he’s an Elemental and not a Magical pet. He’s an inanimate object (a candle) given life. So, shouldn’t he be like all the other enchanted pets, like the pen, the cauldron, the broom, the torch, etc., and be a Magical pet?

As an aside, my buddy was watching me level up this new pet. I put him in a line up with 25s and used my Dragonling to set up decoy, then swap him in, so the decoy can protect him, then swap him out. Usually that works out, but this time, Waxwick was taken out in the backline by the enemy’s Cyclone.

As he died, my buddy started singing “And it seems to me, you lived your life like a candle in the wind.”

I should have smacked him one.


Haven’t leveled any of the TWW pets yet. If I do before a Squirt day, I’ll probably use Jawbone in Bastion.

Pets 1 & 2 any levelers, Ikky in slot 3.

  • levelers 1. Pass is swapped to levelers 2.
  • immediately swap to Ikky.
    -Black Claw,Flock, both pets die together.

Levelers get the XP. It’s not alot on higher level pets but noticable on lobbies.

You’ll have to wait a while for Squirt, since Squirt was yesterday. And thanks to Galveston in Dalaran and Squirt in my Garrison, I managed to level up every pet I Safari-ed in TWW and did some extra pets I still hadn’t levelled, for good measure.

I suspect it is. In Legion Zoom, Wondrous Wisdomball, and Lagan could be caged for a few months at the start of the expansion, probably one of those minor things that gets overlooked in the rush to get an expansion out.

The safari achievement is account wide, not sure how you’d even get one again.

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Since the pet is cageable – and I know this because I caged it, then put it back – you could, I suppose buy one from the AH. Although God knows why someone would go to all the trouble of completing a Safari and not want to keep the reward.

But this is the only Safari I’ve ever done.

September 9th per Warcraft Pet’s Squirt schedule :smiley:
I did intend to do Squirt yesterday but got tangled up completing all but one quest for the Loremaster achievement. I hate time gated access behind the weekly reset… LOL

Just located a new pet in a Purple Chest in The Ringing Deeps.

Pet’s name is Oop’lajax, and it’s a flying octopus, like Syd the Squid, but is grey-green in color, with red eyes, and a purple underside to its tentacles. It’s a cute pet, if nothing else.

Slot one: Tentacle Slap or Tentacle Stab.
Slot two: Rain Dance or Squeeze
Slot three: Whirlpool or Dive.

155/12/10 level one stats. (B/B?)

Location: /way 58.88 30.26.

So, go get it. Now.

ETA: Pillarnest Bonedrinker in a trunk, but high on a spiderweb bridge at /way 49.52 43.76, Azj-Kahet.

ETA: Blightbud, got from the pipe connecting puzzle at /way 48.21 49.01 The Ringing Deeps.

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Pillarnest Bonedrinker is in Azj-Kahet. 49.5. 43.7. Nest Egg

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Thank you. It’s on that cusp between zones. Guess I got confused.

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