Anyone have any tips for finding teaching guilds that are just starting endgame?
Recently started playing again and I’ve been taking advice from the forum (which normally is a bad idea) but it seems that the only way to do endgame content is to find a reliable group of players.
Sounds simple enough it is a MMO so other players and coordination makes sense. But I’m struggling to find a community that’s in my type of scenario.
I mean you can literally throw a brick and find any number of guilds that are doing Heroic/Mythic Raids, and high M+ content. They seem to be a dime a dozen. But when it comes to finding guilds filled with players who are either getting into the content from starting M+ or doing Normal Raids it seems like there’s just not a vibrant community of players. Most of it seems to be pug until you need that organized guild for Heroic/Mythic Raiding or high M+ content.
I hopped over to the forum on Guild Recruitment, and really kinda felt out-of-place. I went to a guild recruitment website with a nifty sort feature but the second you put in casual/learning as the motivator all the hits drop to 0.
I’m not totally dissuaded yet. But I do gotta admit that trying to find players of your skill level in this game isn’t exactly the most friendly system. It’s either you’re all in as in trying to go all the way up or you kinda just sit at max Cov gear and wait for the next patch.
Anyways–what I was looking for was a guild of adult players who like to try and raid on Sunday nights and maybe an occasional Friday night. Otherwise if I can’t find this group I think I’ll just roll back to Minecraft for the time being.
You could also try the guild finder in game, or ask in zone chat in Oribos what you’re after. You may actually have luck that way if maybe a guild is willing to take on/teach new players but just don’t really advertise as such.
You could also try making your own. But running a guild is a lot of work, you’d need to find solid officers skilled and interested in teaching. You could try posting something on your server’s forum.
It is difficult, a lot of people seem to feel that someone wanting to learn in game by doing just wants to be “carried” and expects people to go to guides and watch videos and teach themselves. Which I guess I can understand to a point, and I get why people might not want to spend their time teaching new players, but at the same time sometimes I just want to play the game and not study for an exam lol.
Most guilds have completed the type of content that OP is looking for. Some suggestions:
Try the guild finder.
Try a slightly bigger guild that does a mix of content.
For example: a guild with a mythic raid team, might also have a heroic raid team that raids different nights. And maybe a normal mode alt run that will take any guildie. Joining an alt run is a great way to gear up fast.
Many guilds have a range of players. Some maybe completing higher-end content you aren’t interested in. But others maybe doing content at the level you’re seeking.
A couple things. First, you call yourself a low skill player but being inexperienced doesn’t mean low skill. If you’re willing to put in some effort you can quickly acclimate to more difficult content. This is my first expansion since Wrath, I’ve never played a resto shaman before. Within a month of release I was competently playing my class and was my guild’s best healer for raid and M+. Don’t sell yourself short.
Second, I can see why you would be intimidated using the forums for guild recruitment. The folks who post over there are typically more serious raiders. Probably not your best bet as a more casual person. You should probably just use the in-game guild finder. Default keybind to access it is J. When I was looking for guilds on this char and on my alts, I saw tons of guilds that probably fit your description. Look for people who say things like “Casual/social guild, building a raid team for Castle Nathria.” You can also message the person who posted it and ask for more info if you’re unsure.
Unfortunately Blizzard has been doing a real number on guilds the last few years. Normal difficulty guilds have been hit especially hard, both because Blizzard continues to facilitate pugging and because they hand out rewards (like the covenant armor) that makes Normal raiding obsolete.
Your best bet is to find a Heroic guild. There are Heroic guilds that are still intact, although many Heroic guilds are also suffering (since Heroic is frequently pugged as well).
Scroll down to the guilds that have only killed Heroic bosses. Look for the ( r ) next to their name, that means they’re recruiting.
Check out a bunch of guilds and see if there’s one that meets your schedule and that you like the sound of.
Talk to any guilds that sound good and see how they sound.
Even if somebody doesn’t have ( r ), you should talk to them anyway. Sometimes the best way to find a guild is to just approach them, even if they’re not officially recruiting.
I re-rolled from Horde to Alliance to be with my current guild, who has several raid teams of different difficulties, and is incredibly friendly. I suggest being open to both Alliance and Horde, and being open to going to different servers. I don’t know how populous your realm is, but starting a new char or server/faction transferring might be worth for the fun guilds provide. You can try hopping on different realms and just chat around. When shopping for guilds look for guilds that advertise as social but like to do end game content too. Ask how many members they have, how active it is etc.
There was a recruitment ad for a guild posted on the new/returning player forums that does raids in the weekend evenings and caters to people starting content.
Message the person here and see if you can get some info, sounds like it’ll be right up your alley.
This is the right answer. I was also recruiting for my guild and passed over several of these Sunday-only posts. I specifically remember quite a few of new or returning players with very odd, specific raid times. The vast majority of guilds raid 2 week nights each week. If you only raid one night a week you aren’t going to progress very far or fast, and a lot of times those guilds are raiding for 4 or 5 hours, which is kind of intense.
There is another problem with “occasional Friday night” raids, how can a guild maintain a team with occasional raiders? There is a time commitment component to guilds that sometimes bars people from entry. So I can confirm that it is much more about your time requirement than the casual/learning aspect. There were plenty of new player posts that had 6-10 replies. Of course, you may end up in a situation where you need to switch servers as well.
I guess the answer here is based off the responses are that WoW just doesn’t seem to be a game that I should play. That’s okay too. No hurt feelings. Seems a lot of people have expectations of people to play during the week which is fine. I just can’t commit to those times because real life obligations would prevent me from playing.
I’m a manager at work so my work schedule is a bit hectic. Typically I work 8-4 but normally, and especially during heavy sales seasons that becomes 8-9 PM most weeknights.
I’m a returning student so I attend class part time which normally means I’m studying from 7 PM - 11PM. Provided work doesn’t interfere, I’m usually not wrapped up my day until 11 PM.
Gym–during weeknights I have to make time for 45 mins at the gym for exercise. Which means that when I’m through pressing matters at work, and as long as no assignment is due during that day I’ll slip out from the office head to my gym and work out then go home and finish my studies or actual work from home until 10-11 PM typically.
Friday and Saturday nights I actually prefer reserving those things for real life social activities. Dating, hanging out with friends. Sometimes, more often than not I’m free on Friday nights, but I mean with Covid ending soon with the vaccines dating life is going to pick back up so making time for that is more important.
Sunday night is the only night I’m consistently free. I could do Sunday nights, and maybe I can squeeze time around 1 other weeknight but I mean it’d be very inconsistent. So I don’t want to commit to something I know I won’t have time to dedicate to consistently. Fridays are the exception there as items that are pressing typically aren’t due until Monday EoD and I can get home at a decent hour around 6PM on Fridays but I’d rather have that slot free for RL stuff as I said.
Reading through this has been helpful. I thought there was a way to balance this with 1 confirmed day on and 1 half-day. But it doesn’t look like it. I appreciate the feed back. I’ll stick to Minecraft until 9.1 comes out with some new features and catch up mechanics.