good one
I forced myself mindlessly through when it was live, and I quit when I hit vampire land, whatever it’s called. It is such a chore.
Yeah I agree, I still run the mission tables too. There are a ton of mounts/battle pets/transmog in Shadowlands that are cool.
I just meant the story is not worth seeing. Plus they deleted whole sections of story quest from it after moving to the next patch. It’s just disjointed.
Apparently it isn’t even possible to start SL content for the first time right now because of bugs, so I guess it doesn’t matter.
I’ve been playing wow since launch, and I’ve probably spent more time playing SL than any other expansion. Some clarifications/opinions:
- There have been 2 skips for the SL campaign. One was to skip the maw intro QL. That has always worked for me (after I did the whole campaign on one toon). The second is the Threads of Fate option which popped up as soon as you were ported to Oribos. This allowed you to skip the SL campaign and go straight to covenant selection. This skip has been dead for me (tried 3 different toons) since patch 11.0.5. Not sure if this is a bug or if Blizz deliberately removed it.
- I agree that the SL campaign is long, tedious, and boring. I can understand why people quit the game because of this. I tried this recently on a level 80 toon and it took the better part of 8 hours (and that’s with one-shotting everything in sight, including elites).
- However, once you get through the campaign the gameplay is enjoyable, especially if you like mission tables & world quests. Although the rewards aren’t as great as they were when SL was current, you can amass some decent stuff if you are persistent.
I hope Blizz fixes/reinstates the Threads of Fate skip. It’s a shame to hide decent content behind a wall of tedious trivial repetitive quest grinding.
My best advice regarding SL would be don’t.
I agree, wholeheartedly. The storyline was amazing. The first time I played it and was absolutely boring by the seventh time I got there.
More than any other expansion, SL has this pervasive feeling of being designed to waste as much of your time as possible. Why does SL have so much stuff that takes up a ton of inventory space and makes me go back to a specific location in order to get rid of it?
Are you still required to choose one of four factions and basically be locked into that unless you want to start all over again with another faction? Which one is the best one to start off with in your experience?
I don’t know what the current restrictions or lack thereof are for swapping covenants these days. I know they made it more friendly at the end, but I don’t know if that applies to someone just starting or not because I don’t remember the details.
That aside, for a general experience, don’t go with Night Fae. Its campaign was a standout in that its chapters barely had anything to do with each other and lead to basically nothing. All of the other covenants had cohesive stories spanning between chapters.
Night Fae was a solid aesthetic and many of its abilities were good but its campaign was atrocious. Ardenweald itself was also a little strong on pop culture references for my liking. Might be skewed by how early into the zone I bumped into some though.
Is it possible that it WAS bugged, and that people who tried it during that time got their characters effectively stuck, but it’s fixed now? I don’t know, I unlocked eveything on my Earthen before the latest patch, so I don’t have any characters that haven’t done it.
Last time I checked, I was still able to use the threads campaign skip at 60.