Finally Starting SHADOWLANDS in 2024 - Need Advice

why do you say its garbage? can you give me a few reasons?

As an experiment, just now I took an alt that I had leveled to 80 in the TWW prepatch event without ever having done SL at all, through the intro questline.

I skipped nothing; went through the maw all the way to the end, and found myself in Oribos with no further quests available except Genn Greymane’s mission to Brill.

EDIT: the oribos inkeeper offered two side quests also. Nothing to do with the main story.

I did see the portals to Orgrimmar and Stormwind, but it seems the storyline stopped there.

So unfortunately it seems to be broken, at least for that character.

EDIT 2: I’ll try to do the skip if I have another alt available and see if that works.

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As for the Covenants, I picked Kyrian because I found their transmog to be the best to my taste. Kyrian also has the best transport system, but I’m pretty sure you get flying right away, so that’s not an issue. I also took great advantage of the free health pot that I got from the steward. I consumed those and my healthstones like candy during SL.

Maldraxxus, I thought had the best “mini-game” (doing dailies to make abominations).

Lot of folks really liked the whole Vampire vibe of Revendreth. Revendreth is a complicated zone to navigate (especially on the ground), but it’s one of my favorites.

Ardenweald just didn’t ring with me much at all.

I had no real problems with SL. But I’m an outlier. I think the Maw is probably my most favorite zone in the entire game. Slowing gaining power and getting deeper into the Maw was satisfying.

I also really liked Torghast, but I never felt “forced” to farm it for power. Twisting Corridors was a lot of fun (despite its length).

Korthia was nice, Zereth Mortis was much better, but they’re both a repetitive farm, I think I tired of Korthia fater than ZM.

I don’t know how SL is now for even new player, they level and gain power so fast. It likely trivializes most of the content.

I think all of the dungeons were pretty successful. I sucked at the puzzle in Mists. I never really cared for Necrotic Wake. The rest were pretty good. I really liked Tazavesh.

Have fun!

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As people are saying there are problems, Im just checking it out now on a lower level alt that has never done it.

  1. Took the skip from Darion, was sent to Oribos.
  2. “Stranger in an Even Stranger Land” accepted, interacted with NPC, asked question, went inside.
  3. Spoke to Kah-Delen, completed quest.
  4. Took next quest “No Place for the Living” interacted with her, let the cinematic play out. Listened to their chat. They slowed down at one point, clicked on a couple of them to keep their chat going.
  5. Completed quest, took “Audience with the Arbiter”.
  6. Clicked on Tal-Inara to be taken to the Arbiter. Interacted again with Tal-Inara a couple of times to keep her chatting.
  7. Let the cinematic play out. When it finished, click on her to leave the Arbiter.
  8. Take “Tether to Home” and complete it. Let cinematic play out.
  9. Take “A Doorway Through the Veil”.
  10. Talk to Ebon Blade Acolyte to commence opening the portals back to Azeroth.
  11. Go back to talk to Kar-Sher to hand in quest.
  12. Accept “The Eternal City” and tour around the city at the points required. Hand in completed quest.
  13. Take “Understanding the Shadowlands” from Bolvar, interact with Tal-Inara, listen to chat. If it stalls, click on Tal-Inara or one of the other NPCs again.
  14. eventually Overseer Kah-Sher will have a chat box for you to follow them.
  15. Take the transporter to the Ring of Transference, complete quest.
  16. Take “The Path to Basion”.

That is far as I went to test it. And doing what I did above, it all worked fine. I let the cinematics play in case skipping them caused any glitches, and although the NPC chat lines sometimes stalled, reclicking on the NPCs got all of them to continue. Note, I didnt take any other side quests, just wanted to check the main questline progress.

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That bug isn’t relevant to people who have never done any SL content before.

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I’ve read bug report/CS threads of people trying it on recently boosted characters and they tried going in the normal way without the skip.
Same result.

Isn’t the bug that the skip doesn’t work? What are you referring to?

The skip and progressing normally has been reported to not work, something to do with the quest flags not activating properly I’d wager.

So wait. You mean to say the MSQ doesn’t even work when not attempting to skip any of it? Cause that’s the first time I’m hearing of it.

That’s what the threads I’ve read are reporting, yeah. You get to Oribos and there’s just no quests and no available flight paths anywhere.

I just tried it on an alt doing the whole Maw intro, and got stuck; but I have done SL on my mains before. Does that make a difference?

Did these people reporting this try to pickup the main breadcrumb quest from the calling board?

The main breadcrumb is no longer on the board, it’s given by Darion Mograine in front of SW Keep for Alliance.

Hmm. Sometimes I find there are multiple breadcrumb quests. But if the calling board one has been deleted, then I’m not sure what to say. I do know that the entire Legion MSQ broke in 11.0 and it took them months to fix that one due to the TWW prepatch deleting Khadgar from the Violet Citadel. But I was not aware of a similar issue affecting the SL MSQ. Oh well.

See if it works on a character that chooses Shadowlands for chromie time, as in a character at a level that can do Chromie time.

I’m beginning to feel that issues happen when people try to do it normally outside of Chromie time. As per my comment above, I did it on a level 14 character in Chrome time and everything seems to be working fine.

A month ago I did it outside Chromie time and it worked just fine, it’s something to do with the latest anniversary patch that bunged things up somehow.

Hm, might try it later on one of my Remix characters, see if I get the same issue. Thanks for the input.

People call WoW a “theme park MMO.” Shadowlands is the most egregious example of that. I felt like I just entered their new Spookyland Horrorzone attractions. The city is a glorified, empty airport, the zones are all disconnected and uninteresting aside from Bastion, and most feel like a chore to navigate and quest through, the story is uninspired cliche that tramples and muddles previous lore, it’s a grindfest like I’ve never seen in this game, and it’s generally just boring overall. Also The Maw. The Jailer and his whole spiel “You have no idea what’s coming that my master plan sought to prevent, you won’t survive but now I die so I can’t tell you about it and you just have to keep coming back to find out” is just poor, lazy writing.

They should have subverted our expectations and made The Primus the villain, using Zovaal (what a stupid name) as his pawn, which would have had bigger implications in the grand cosmic war, but nope… it was just your standard ambitious villain of the week, who somehow out-maneuvered the Primus, despite the latter being the master of domination magic and having unparalleled tactical foresight. Guess he was having a nap.

The whole thing felt out of touch with the rest of the universe and just didn’t need to exist.

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Unless you love battle pets and tons of pet charms. Mission table quests are netting me like 40 a week just from one table.

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I think the leveling content was fine. The side quests can bog you down, so I’d skip them. The first time it was okay.