Per the PTR Dev notes on MMO Champ
- Obliterate damage increased by 20%.
- Frost Strike damage increased by 15%.
- Rime now increases the damage of Howling Blast by 275% (was 225%).
- Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 10%.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus – Murderous Frenzy now increases Mastery by 12% for 6 seconds instead of Haste.
- Death Coil damage increased by 15%.
- Apocalypse ghoul damage increased by 25%.
- Magus of the Dead damage increased by 15%.
- Soul Reaper damage increased by 35%.
- Clawing Shadows and Scourge Strike damage increased by 15%. Does not affect Vampiric Strike.
Hopefully there is more to come but trying to fix our abysmal output is at least an acknowledgement that were undertuned.
Everything seems great i was doing like 10M DPS on the 5 target dummy cleave in Dorn today with these buffs as Frost 2H Rider lmao only issue i would really point out is that Rime even with this buff feels like a pointless ability with the new tier set my GA hits about 200k higher compared to my Rime proc… The buff needs to be like a 100% increase in dmg to Rime to make it worth imo
Can all of you just not queue for pvp for like 2-3 months? We always get nerfed because some dev usually gets destroyed in BG within the first month of a new patch.
On a side note, this might point to BoS staying as is and the datamined rework/replacement not happening. That or they’re still working on something.
If my math is right, the Frost buff is roughly a 8-9% single target buff for Oblit Rider builds. It won’t even be enough to bring it on par with Unholy right now (though extremely close), let alone after the buffs. But being that Unholy is also among the worst of the worst performing specs in the game right now alongside Frost, I think its likely Frost will largely still be non viable gutter tier for raid.
Hoping for more to come soon.
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For sure, Im trying my best to stomach unholy for one more season, or at least until I finish the tier set. The mog is the only reason I’m sticking to the DK.
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After seeing these buffs, it is set in stone DK won’t be getting any actual changes until another patch comes. I am happy it got the buffs, but it doesn’t actually solve any of the issues the specs have fundamentally.
So Frost started from being numerically overtuned to now numerically undertuned.
Really wonder what they can do to change it fundamentally.
It needs a complete redesign. Going from overtuned to underturned to getting buffed back to approximately what the original values were before the nerf is ridiculous. Whether it’s a salty dev in pvp, or scaling issues. The spec numerically is broken, even if the playstyle can be fun. The breath nerf had some good intention towards the end of the season so it wouldnt dominate the spec, but it showed how the spec itself is way too RNG to get any proper tuning done.
Most we can do is hope that should it get redesigned, it’s not a horrid playstyle. It’s always a gamble when they finally admit a design fails and they have to redo it.
Agreed. The playstyle is fun. Simple rotation, tools for many situations and windows of guaranteed mongo crits. Awesome.
Whats not awesome is when one CD window you pop HoW, ERW and still end up rune starved and watching your CD tick away while you auto attack because RNG resource generation is garbage and Runic Empowerment is the feces icing on the garbage cake that decided to not proc 5 times in a row so you have no runes due to absolutely no fault of your own and your DPS drops 200k.
Both specs need a proper rework.
The fact that they’ve buffed the same spells with the exception of rime that were previously nerfed several times is hilarious; it’s especially hilarious/depressing when enhance has remained as oppressively strong as it is, and it’s getting MORE changes.
All of this is par for the course tbh. Whoever is in charge of DK changes has been hopelessly lost for a few expansions now. Meanwhile we have some of the best class writers and theory crafters offering up ideas that consistently get ignored for the most part. It’s baffling.
Do these changes apply to pvp as well?
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Yes these damage increases will apply to PvP as well
We really need a buff on disease damage though.
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Unholy needs to have the nerfs to Ebon Fever and Superstrain reverted. TWW changed EF to 12% down from 15% and Superstrain got hit to 75% from 80%.
Did they nerf Epidemic too? Feels like its total garbage now compared to Dragon Flight
Not for Epidemic specifically. The only nerfs it’s received have been in blanket nerfs. The last change to specifically Epidemic that I can find is Dragonflight in 2023, which lasted until TWW pre-patch blanket nerfed all Unholy abilities by 10%
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