Finally saw the ending scene for the new raid

:grimacing: I hope the writing gets a lot better from here because how did they think that was ok?


The lead writer thinks Marvel movies are the pinnacle of fiction, itā€™s just going to get worse.


I wish I could watch these things in-game. I feel like if I did that Iā€™d end up getting kicked for being ā€˜afkā€™ so I always skip the cutscenes that play in instances.

Something I like about some other games (like FFXIV) is that players who skip cutscenes arenā€™t allowed to progress in the instance if someone in the group is watching them. Only once the cutsceneā€™s over (or if everyone skipped it) can the run continue. Of course WoWā€™s playerbase would use this to grief players in the opposite direction from how it is now, but I think itā€™s a nice thing personally.


Family is everything.

So much so, that mommy Ysera bounced.


I watch them all the first time and have never had an issue. Maybe youā€™re just worrying over nothing.


Yeah I felt like it was pretty lackluster, but I guess Iā€™m not invested enough to care.

What I did find hilarious though? After we complete raid and save the day. Part of the ending campaign quest is you (the hero) serving drinks to random people at a party.

'Thanks for saving everything we hold dear, could you get refills for tables 4, 6, 12, 24, and 10 please"

Iā€™ll admit that I didnā€™t read the quests line by line, so if I missed something that makes this normal, let me know.


The only time Iā€™ve seen that apply is at the start of an instance. Every single time I would watch a cutscene that happened after that, Iā€™d get the ā€œencounter startedā€ message over the top of it. Iā€™d still finish the cutscene because I didnā€™t care, then be teleported into the boss room for it to be dead, or near dead, anyway.

Nothing could summarize this patch more aptly than us defeating Fyrakk then having to wait tables at our own celebratory feast.


Fammmmmm uh lee!

do dah duh ddoo dooā€¦ :musical_note:




Also, all of the Stay a While and Listen (as if Iā€™ve got time! Iā€™ve got to get the apps out on table 11) basically amounted to:

Jaina: Did you see that War Within trailer?
Thrall: Yeah. Canā€™t wait to buy The War Within!
Khadgar: Only 50euro!


Is the lead writer forcing the rest of the team to go with their ideaā€™s because someone had to have disagreed


Oh, really? I wonder if theyā€™ve walked that back a bit since I last played. Or maybe Iā€™m just misremembering exactly how it worked? :sweat_smile: I know I remember being stuck in a bubble of sorts while cutscenes were going on, but it seemed like they always lasted until everyone was actually ready to go.

I didnā€™t want to say anything because I hate to sound mean but I donā€™t want the story going forward to be this way soā€¦


This was the one thing people hated the most in Old Republic: the people who wouldnā€™t spacebar through the conversations. They all ran Story Mode first, because it was part of the questline to do it. So watching it all in an instance group wasnā€™t going to change the initial conversations and it always turned into an argument. People used to get so bent out of shape over it. lol

After doing some research it turns out the story isnā€™t so bad it was just told to us like we 're 3 years old via that final cut scene (seriously that scene felt like an early childhood cartoon)and though lore books hidden in the game

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Afrasiabi was able to get everyone to rewrite BfA at the last minute from a fun faction-pride romp to a miserable experience where people get shamed for trying to play the game.
Not sure how, but we know itā€™s possible to tell the entire writing team to do something objectively terrible because someone in power said so.

If it wasnā€™t for that cinematic where Alexstrazsa confronts Fyrakk in the dream I would probably disagree but well it does like strait up rip off of that scene in Avengers Endgame with everyone coming in through portals like who thought that was good.

still say this sums up dragon flight nicely from our point of view.