Finally, My Collection Is Complete!

After 218913098318913 years of that dumb Karazhan Satyr refusing to drop the last imp I needed, I finally have all the Warlock Minions!

No achievement for it though. Weird. This is the kind of thing that feels like it should have an achievement (rewarding another Demon lol)

I’m just happy I won’t have to go to tBC Karazhan anymore. I’m tired of that place…


I hunt warlocks for fun, their minions are bonuses.

If your character was a lady Vulpera, that would have broken my heart lol

Gratz on the last minion!


that seems wrong.


Hiiiiiiii how are you ?


Was looking at alts from a strictly “fun” perspective and saw my Lock. Only ever been Aff/Destro since the removal of Meta.

Simply from a fun to push buttons to little side things such as green fire and minion skins, where would you rate Demo on a 1-10 scale Lux?

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Its a code. A plea for help. Like coordinates

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I don’t play Demo either. I miss Warlock Meta too :sob:

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WOO! Grats on all of your demons!

That’s how it feels, though. LOL


Do…do all warlocks get to use different minion skins!?



Well ill be danged…still doesnt seem right without playing Demo though haha

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I’m still waiting on that Purple/Silver Dreadhound that was datamined when they re-adjusted how warlock minion customizations worked to actually be obtainable in-game.

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You do realize that Demon huntesr might take all of them back :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing Demon Hunters will be taking is Chaos Bolts to the face and kicks in the Twisting Nether.


…I had no idea I could/should be unlocking these. Any time they announced new customizations for demons, I just assumed they were automatically unlocked.

I guess I have something new to hunt down. I love my Warlocks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Gru will be proud :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I made a joke like that on Guild Chat and on Steam Chat.

Somehow I forgot to do it here too lol


Congrats on finally getting your last minion from there!

Agreed! There should be an achievement for collecting all of the minions on your Warlock. Given it can take some time due to RNG.

Been trying for weeks and months on end to get the mount, Midnight from there. Getting tired running my main and alts thru there weekly to end up with no mount in the end.

So I’ll be very glad once I’ve obtained it as I’ll be done running that place myself.

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