Finally Happened, Benched Because Warriors Suck

Same just happen to me this week as well. I was out parsing yet under dps of people doing crap parses and failing mechanics left and right. Yet because warriors cant do any Dps I got the pine because warriors are just hot garbage atm… its frustrating af and honestly needs to be addressed when I’m pushing 3k at a 80-95% and other classes doing the same dmg are at a 35-50% parse… come on like where is the balance…


First I am sorry to hear you got benched. I was forced to play Arms to avoid getting benched. Even as arms there are times I can parse a 97 and still be 8th out of 12 dps on a raid team. You might say that’s a good problem to have, but it doesn’t feel good, as you put it, to parse in the golds and be beat by players who are not playing their class to the same level you play yours. I’ve played Warrior for a long time, and I can’t really remember a time where it has felt so good to play but then the results be so poor. I really hope that Blizzard pays attention and provides additional tuning. I am hopeful that with how they listened to players in the beta that perhaps they are still paying attention. I won’t bet money on it though. I would say if you have been benched as fury try boomkin, at least last expansion the building spending felt similar to me. That being said, if your set on playing warrior you can get by as Arms which is in a better spot but you won’t be breaking any world records for dps even there.

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And b4 someone accuses me of not posting on my warrior and not knowing what im talking about here ya go.


A wise man might say that if you don’t have any kind of evidence for your suspicions, you should keep those suspicions to yourself.


I benched my Fury warrior after 16 years as my main. I play prot pally tank now which is a lot of fun and has good apm for a tank. It’s great for m+.

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We still keep a warrior for the buff but would we bring 2? God no

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Got a friend that is a god at fury , his guild isn’t benching him, just find somewhere else to raid on, friend, benching someone with 90%+ logs that plays something that he enjoys is BS to me, WF race is over.
Also, buffs are coming 100%, just wait til the festivities end.

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Just because they aren’t dead last, doesn’t mean that they don’t have issues lol. I never understood this logic, “well another class/spec is lower than my spec, I should be happy.” Sure that logic is understandable maybe in real life, but for a competitive video game, no it doesn’t work. Comparing your spec to the current top specs is completely justified. And wanting them to be closer is also completely justified. Stop normalizing the balance gap in specs.

The problem isn’t the position in the dps ranks. Not being first, is completely acceptable. The problem is the percentage that some classes are behind. That gap in the steps. Some classes are 25% behind right now. Are people really trying to defend this? Because it’s not okay. And I get it, it’s been around since forever. But that doesn’t mean it was okay then, and it’s still not okay now. Hence why people are constantly talking about it every expansion. It’s an issue, people are going to talk about it. Right now it’s warrior’s turn to talk about it, because we’re on the short end.

The problem is Blizzard’s balance team. For one, they don’t do enough tuning patches. I personally think they should be tuning specs, classes, abilities every couple days until things even out more. But for sure on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. And when I say tuning patches. I’m talking about doing minor tweaks to under performing classes/specs until everyone is much much closer. Talking about 1-5% buffs, until the top spec and the bottom spec are like 5-8% apart. I understand perfect balance is impossible with a game like this. But they can do better than what we are getting now. The gap percentage is embarrassingly bad right now.

Two, they don’t show the data they use, when they make a change. They always say, “internal systems.” Obviously there is a disconnect with how they are measuring the performance of a class vs how the world is playing it lol. I think if they shared what they are looking at, they might get some helpful knowledge from the community on if it’s accurate or not.


Yeah it suck getting bench bc of your class. I get it at the top lvl or the fight just ain’t good for your class. But lower then that, if you play super good, do mechanics and never die, you shouldn’t be bench since you are everything a raid lead want to kill the boss.


I don’t agree with your guild having to bench you. Your logs are actually excellent and think being benched is a little extreme. Especially considering CN mythic is very clear able with a dps warrior in group.

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Find another guild that is not willing to bench based on class/spec. If you’re doing 90% parses there is no reason to bench you.

Fury and Sin will be getting buffs soon. I wouldn’t worry about overpreforming classes right now. They will be balanced when blizz comes back from vacation.

Fury is pretty garbage right now.

I usually main Fury, the only other spec in the game that is as fun for me or maybe even more would be Unholy. Give it a shot

This right here with some middle of the pack dps is more valuable than almost every other scenario.


But he “literally” wrote blah blah. Too many players blatantly blabbing and making blanket statements then trying to play the semantics cop out. Good on you for calling his bluff.

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No stop this is where us shamans are at >:C

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This is such a true statement. Casual raiding guilds get into an easy mythic tier towards the end of BFA and now they have the mindset that they are a mythic progression guild.

Also, if you are 90+ parses, I know a lot of guilds that will take a arms warrior if they are good. Don’t think for a second that meta classes = best choice. I know several guilds running 2-3 warriors.


Can you explain what a parse is, and how do I track it?

A parse is how well you performed on a fight in comparison to others of the same spec.

It’s based off a 1-100 number, the higher the number the better you performed. For example if you parse 50 as arms, you performed better than 50% of arms warriors on a fight. It’s basically a percentile

As for tracking it, you or someone in your raids has to be running a logging addon.

Something like that.


Um, with the new elemental lego they are very competitive per Wowhead rankings. That was evidently the only thing keeping elemental back.

Per Wowhead, enhancement largely skipped due to an exploit, which was fixed, but before that they were mid-tier.

Resto is still highly played and popular. I don’t see them being in the same tier as warrior. Prot warrior representation in high keys is only 3%. Fury is consistently trash tier in the bottom 3, and Arms, the best performing DPS spec is at rank 15. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, that’s not where Shaman are at.

Enhance is the only mid tier spec that I’m tracking after looking at Wowhead weekly DPS logs.

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