Finally hands on Dragon Riding

Especially that 1 dungeon where you need to fly when I get close thank goodness I’m a demon hunter I can just exit out of dragon mount glide down precision and have all of my action bars

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I understand how to use it. I gave it a fair shot. I’m using it because the zones are clearly designed around it.

Doesn’t mean I need to like it. I don’t enjoy the way it plays or feels to play. It’s annoying to me, and to ‘maintain flight’ beyond the regular orbs you get before you unlock everything causes me significant pain.


People are allowed to have a different opinion than yours. One of the worst decisions was dragon flying only.
They need to allow folks to use their regular mounts (six weeks in) and just admit they made a mistake.
It is obvious Blizzard is using dragon flying as a way to get rid of the older version of flying.
This will not end well.


Why not just have both?..

Sadly, that’s exactly what they need you to do. It’s the same tactic used in politics there using here: “The opposition are morally wrong and if you disagree, you’re the opposition”.
Certainly doesn’t remind me of Tea Elves and their ilk. :tea: :elf:


so screw the people who can’t do DR because of motion sickness or disability that could play the game fine up until now?


Ok karen we know you think your better then anyone else.


If you only care about getting from point A to point B then use a flight master. All the hubs I’ve visited so far have them.

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None of the flying mounts we’ve collected up to this point are dragon riding mounts. This is most likely just a second option to flying. The only difference between the two is one requires some actual skill and is available at launch while the other requires zero skill and isn’t usually available until the second patch.

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Because in every other zone since TBC a regular flying mount is faster, doesn’t have to divert between stops and can go anywhere. I can aim, adjust the climb/descent and ignore it until I get close then adjust and land. They literally took something that wasn’t broke and “fixed” it by adding unnecessary inputs, which IMO is purely to combat botting.

Like I said, I’m mostly indifferent, if I buy DF I’ll use it because I have to. But compared to GW2 flyers which they are trying to copy, DR is by all measures woefully inferior in terms of controls. It’s a solution in search of a problem.


Dragon riding is crazy fast.

I got all the glyphs within 30 minutes and didnt land once while doing it. You can fly indefinitely easily once youu understand how and its way faster than normal flying. You can fly clear accross the dragon aisles in less than a minute with dragon flight. I actually expect them to nerf the speed.

Lol, like you genuinely care about these people.

You don’t like Dragonriding because you’re lazy and just want to put yourself on auto-run while you alt-tab to your Netflix show.

It’s an awesome addition to the game, it breathes some life into flying around the world and it’s also significantly faster than regular flying.

No, I had beta and it literally made me feel like I was going to throw up.


I like it right now for questing, but I have a feeling I’m gonna dislike it a lot when gathering for professions.

Not as a Dracthyr lol

But it’s so much fun. I’ve already collected all the glyphs (after running into lots of obstacles) and unlocked the entire tree. Once you are up to 6 vigor it’s much more enjoyable, and it’s fully unlocked for all your alts right out of the gate once you do it on the first character.



So you’re just mad that you can’t mindlessly afk hover in spite of the player input driven mechanics that dragon riding offers. Should i file your inane compaint under “lazy” or “dumb”?

I love dragon flying :slight_smile:

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It is indeed very fast if you have the airspace to gain the speed.

The “engaging” part is the problem for most of the folks who are having issues with it that don’t involve actual physical restrictions.

Because you do have to “engage”, you can’t do a lot other than just use it for fast travel. It’s not real good for gathering, as it is SO fast you blitz by nodes before some can even resolve, and the maneuverability at high speed is limited.

There is no hover, and no detailed maneuvering; it’s like a modern jet compared to a helicopter. The jet will get you there faster, but the helicopter will let you DO a lot more than just zoom zoom zoom.

That said, I will certainly be using it for the speed part, and anything else at the moment because it’s all we have right now. But when regular flying comes out, I will enjoy the option.


OMFG I HATE THIS DRAGON RIDING :weary:. It makes flying engaging and that’s the last thing I want. I want to be able to fly with one hand. I want to be able to stop mid air as I go to google something…I don’t care I’m so fast I can cross the islands in .5 seconds…I want flying to be mindless :sob: