Finished it on my Warrior, it was quite a journey.
Most of my run been pretty smooth with bosses hitting like a truck(Hello final triple bosses from Nightfall Sanctum). Overpulling enemies is pretty much death in a T11… at least for MDPS specs, auto attack damage was pretty scary even at 624.88 Ilvl. It definitely taught me to make proper use of Defensive Stance, especially for unavoidable AoE phases on bosses.
The minibosses(AKA Zekvir’s Heralds) could definitely be a bit more unique, the rares in delves are which is nice but Anub’vir being a reskin Underlord Kestel from Spiral Weave is pretty… lame. I think imo Kan’su and Venombite are probably the standouts compared to Anub and Tala/Velo. Guess going into S2 there will be more on the Goblin side of things since the new stories will be putting them in most of the current delves we have.
Only currently missing one achievement for delves right now which is Copious Coffers, sitting at 164/250 so this is where the real work begins.
Excuse me if I am extremely casual but is not being in defensive stance as a warrior a thing in mythic culture?
No idea, but if I had to guess yea since it’s a 15% DR which is nice to have imo.
Had completely forgotten about this ability until I did the T11s.
I’m actually completely astounded that you managed to go to t11 Without knowing about defensive stance.
Maybe I should get into mythics, they can’t be nearly as difficult as everyone is saying.
Woohoo! Grats!
Yeah I think mine is at 168/250. I’m not sure I’m committed to getting that achievement lol.
Should go for it. Crests start raining in M+ and it’s really not as bad as some make it out to be once you get the hang of the dungeons.
Tbf, I had it already unlocked on my Priest so working my way up was pretty much taken care of lol. Usually when I hit a wall I go back and look at my skills and talents. The final boss of KR has a very nasty AoE with T11 scaling.
Don’t recall having to use it for Zek since I had Die by The Sword, Ignore Pain, and Impending Victory.
Best of luck!
This one definitely gonna require the work of alts friend.
Yes we got 7 keys total(More with echoes) but having an alt army will make that achievement go by faster. Time to park the Warrior a bit since most of my delver goals are out the way.
Oh yeah it’s a haul. I got 250 a few weeks ago maybe and I’m running two tank alts usually getting 4-8 done each week on them.
The next one I believe is like 500? Yikes!
At least I got a bit of a head start on that one.
Grats OP, them 11s can be some white-knucklin fun!
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Had a hard time with The Sinkhole and finally got it yesterday but didn’t receive credit for it. Did a kinda of skip after completing the objectives (skipped mini bosses) and got the treasure at the end but it didnt give credit for the achievement. So, I did it a second time, this time killing everything in there and getting the treasure at the end with 3 lives left. Still no achievement. It gave me credit in the vault as completed but not the final tier 11 that I need for the title. Frustrating as heck as this delve had been the bane of my patience and tougher than the others to complete in the first place.
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