Finally getting a Series X

I ordered it from Microsoft May 14th and it finally shipped with an expected delivery date of the 31st. I’m pretty happy to finally be getting one and can’t wait to fire it up.

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Did you get it at MSRP?

499.99 + tax…



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I may have bought one by now if they didn’t use proprietary external storage. If they change to M.2 in a hardware update I’ll jump in.

Pretty ridiculous reason not to get one imo…

I’ve really been on the fence about getting one myself.

Biggest problem would be figuring out where to actually put it.

It is not very compact.

lol if you’re on the fence because you aren’t sure where you’d put it then you obviously don’t really want one.

I wasn’t really impressed with the new Gears.

There was no awesome vehicle moment in the campaign.

Riding a sled just can’t compare to riding a brumak.

I bought a 2TB SN850 for my PS5 for ~$275 (which is still pricey). A 2TB upgrade for the Series X is $400. My One X and PC cover every game I care about.

Then why did you spend $275 for a 2TB SN850 for your PS5? And why did you even buy the PS5 in the first place? :neutral_face:

It has good exclusives and I don’t like reinstalling games.

Are you, actually, like, reading the things you write? You’re kind of all over the place.

I don’t really see the point of X-Box as things currently stand, all of the games you can get for X-Box can also be played on my PC, i have a PS5 because Playstation has a heap of exclusive games that i can’t play anywhere else :woman_shrugging:

Each to their own though, retail therapy always feels nice, i hope you enjoy your purchase!

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Couldn’t help chuckling a bit… I’m glad your views really make perfect sense to you. :wink:

Indeed. :+1:

Same but with both consoles honestly.

…Yet. :point_down:

Put it next to your PC and plug it in your monitor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, they’re more meaning stuff like God of War as a means to get people to grab a PS5 and Ragnarok, The Last of Us Part I remake to get people to try the franchise and then buy a console for Part II, Horizon Zero Dawn so that they’ll buy a console for Forbidden West etc etc, you get the point. It’ll never be a AAA exclusive going to the PC at the same time as the PS5, at best they’ll wait for a year or so until it has been on sale a bunch of times and doesn’t bring in much cash anymore.

True, though i’m never really a fan of locking the sequel to one set of hardware when it was available to a lot of other devices previously, even if it’s temporary. See Bayonetta 2 being Wii U only for the time.

And personally, the only game i really want from the Playstation is Insomiac’s Spiderman. But to spend $500 (provided if i find a PS5 for that price) + $60 just to play the game at less then desired performance/graphical fidelity, along with a less then ideal controller format with no access to mods or anything i’m familiar with on PC doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, and i’m fine with waiting until an official PC port of the first Spiderman game comes out.

Red dead redemption 1 says hi

I have something better than an XBox Series X. A $2000 PC with an XBox controller.

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