Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Ugh, I’m gonna need a bigger mute list for this nonsense. No. Void elves are void elves. Thank goodness you’ll still turn purple when you attack stuff or people might think they were actually high elves.


Talonel alt. Has to be. Trolling, then adds in LGBTQ+ and posting on a Classic character now to hide.


I’m gay, and all of the LGBT characters Blizzard has added into the game have been good, and they should add more and also make Anduin x Wrathion canon


Agree to disagree?


I want High Elves with their own name, classes, style, colours, ect and Void Elves with their own name, classes, style, colours, ect.

Anything else is just a discount race.


Called it.


I would really like some more elven lore added to the game. All elves need more, the majority loves them.

More recognition for the LGBT+ would be very delightful and welcome :slight_smile:


I suppose I can’t blame you anti’s for reaching for this low-hanging fruit. You clearly need the copium.

It’s not like this isn’t a troll post or anything.


Why? Why do I need to be represented in a fantasy game? Let the characters be themselves.


Why not?

I’m allowed to want things, y’know? You seem very triggered. I’m not trying to spark drama so I won’t be replying any longer. If you do not like my feedback don’t read it.

Please try to be more open and understanding towards other people.

Thank you.

Of course you don’t respond because someone doesn’t agree with your take so you also insult me even though I have not been rude once.

You trolls never change.

If you can’t take criticism, then don’t post feedback.

Think what you want, but don’t post on a public forum and be surprised when people have differing opinions.


Thank you for the support. I am also gay. I really appreciate seeing it recognized as normal in-game.


So you ignore me but just go for the other troll that agrees with you, with also under 25 posts? It was obviously either a troll or being sarcastic saying these characters are well written.

You people can’t live if you just ignore everything negative and just only listen to the people like you.

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Quit trying to erase void elf identity. Go ask for a separate pristine high elf race. The gall of high elfers these days. The selfishness and ungratefulness is overbearing.


I would be fine with this as well however I think adding quest lines for changing identities could be really great for roleplay and it also allows you to stay on the same character you’ve progressed with!

Starting to cross the line there…

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Wow I was flagged for trolling? This is the last time I ever post on the WoW forums.

I cannot believe the responses. Terrible.

hahaahaha thats savage

I can just imagine the rage when these people pretending to be High Elves turn purple during Entropy


Wooooooow now we’re drawing lines between normal people and High Elf obsessed? :rofl:

Yeh Talonel. We know. :roll_eyes:

Yeh Talonel. The usual. :roll_eyes: