Final Verdict needs a buff

Final verdict itself should be a glyph withough the range or effect, or a talent on the first row.
The legendary is basically useless, the range is only 5 yards, the proc is terrible instead it should be that when you use final verdict you guarantee cast a hammer of wrath(if thats too much make it do 25-30% reduced dmg) but still doing that would make it so much more fun to use.
I know its immune to dissarm but you cant do much if youre dissarmed since you cant get that much hp.


Change first row ability to be “consecutive Templars Verdict deal 15% increased damage and have a 10 yrd range”


It used to be 50% chance… Got nerfed into the ground at the end of beta pepehands


Honestly, just remove the Hammer of Wrath effect.

Replace it with increasing the range of all melee abilities to 10 yards.


Buff it’s actual damage itself, if you have a Legendary that replaces an ability there should be a damage increase.

Also the original incarnation of Final Verdict appeared in WoD. Back then Templar’s Verdict was physical damage only but Final Verdict was holy damage thus actually increasing the finisher damage, also it was a bloody talent.

The original proc it had was nothing to do with Hammer of Wrath but in fact increased the Damage and Radius of Divine Storm so you would weave FV into DS with your single target rotation.

It’s def a leggo that needs a lot of help as it stands tbh.


I literally came back to the game because of final verdict legendary lol

Too bad it’s useless outside of niche pvp use (never getting back that soul ash)


so… crusader’s strike and TV?..? Am I forgetting something?

CS, TV, Auto attack.

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If it were me to really add the power to this leggo.

-Buff front end damage
-Upon use your next divine storm is increased in damage and radius
-Add the 10 yard range to melee abilities like suggested.

It would become a very versatile legendary in that event. Never considered the 10 yard thing before tbh.

Or if they wanna tie it to HoW just make it reset HoW upon use and activate it at 100% if they dont wanna buff damage.

Eh I use it from time to time. Would like it buffed tho.

It’s ok in PvP but in PvE is worthless :sob:

Oh ya so disgustingly bad in pve

Allegedly it fixes the bug with Templar’s Vindication, but it does interact poorly with Virtuous Command if you want to use the extra range you have.

But I could see bumping its effectiveness up, maybe in a way to help spread out damage around cause paladins having it concentrated into a single spell makes other classes hate us.

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Would be simple, but maybe busted, to make it baseline cost 2 hp instead of 3. That’d give you plenty of reason to use it!

Just increase the chance on the HOW proc. 50% was too much. 15% is too low. Try 33%, one in three sounds decent and it’s literally splitting between the two.

The nerf to this legendary at the end of beta was literally a “blizzard nerfs fun” situation. It wasn’t even overperforming in pve at 50% everyone was using it because it’s a FUN lego. It got absolutely gutted.

I won’t craft it until it gets a buff, it’s just so niche now, really only useful in pvp vs classes that disarm you during burst.


It is fun in some solo content. I made it for PvP however I’ll still use it when I’m lazy so I can keep up damage while avoiding the small puddles some mods spawn


Hammer of wrath doesn’t even hit that hard. 177 ilvl and it does like 1600 dmg. I guess they nerfed it because holy power generation? I have no idea.

Personally, I would just change it to this:

Templar’s Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Auto Attack now have a 10 yard range. In addition, Art of War’s proc rate is increased by 8% (from 24 to 32%).

It would fit the PvP theme of it perfectly.

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No. Let’s not. Blade of Justice hits like a noodle and comes in under melee attacks in PvE. It’s about 5-7% of my total damage.

For Blade of Justice to not suck you’d have to make it crazy like

Blade of Justice crits for 8x the amount
Leaves a DoT on crit

Now it’s no longer a noodle filler along with CS. It’s got some teeth.