Final Fantasy XVI

Anyone else excited for Final Fantasy XVI (FF16 for you who cant read Roman Numerals)?

After the latest trailer a few weeks ago’m seriously pumped.

I trust Yoshi-P as Director given his success with FFXIV, same with Soken as the music producer. And the combat is looking like Devil May Cry with dark story telling.


I am - I’m excited to experience what a mature-rated FF game will bring.

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Likely alot of gore and death, maybe Witcher like sexy time scenes too

I’m excited, but also prepared to be let down. I really like the old days of Final Fantasty, with large parties that you build up over the first half of the game. I always felt that gave the dialogue and game a lot of depth. But it seems they’re focused now on only really giving you 3-ish player parties.

I was genuinely shocked by how violent the game looked. It is exciting to see a Final Fantasy that wants to be more serious. Dragon Quest 12, from what I have heard, is also going the same direction. Now they just need to make a more mature Pokemon game (like that will ever happen).

Don’t have a PS5; but given the exclusivity window is only 6 months, I’ll be excited about it once the official PC announcement is made.

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