FF14 is a pretty good game to play through the storyline for a month or two, but like you said, it’s going to lack that thing that kept so many enthralled for years.
It’s why I’m heavily amused by people suggesting it will ever become the next big MMORPG.
FF has great stories,. Love they stories…
But WOW has the best lore. An amazing lore… Just sucks they can’t get it in the game…
I actually disagree, I’ve been playing FFXIV since Saturday very slowly and going through the story and immersing myself.
Heading into the Gold Saucer made me laugh out loud in real life and say Oh i get it, this is why casuals left WoW. There is just so much content aimed focused on the casual player. I’m someone who i guess falls into the HARDCORE RAIDER category in WoW but seeing the casual content in FFXIV is hilarious.
They just “get it” like Blizz don’t.
Jumping puzzle races, weekly jackpots, triple triad, chocobo breeding+racing, lazer mini games, mahjong - NO POWER TIED BEHIND ANY OF THESE.
Imagine a company having faith people will do their content without power. World of Warcraft casual content is 10 years behind and it shows sorely. In comparison WoW looks creatively bankrupt.
Yeah it has no staying power
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The only thing WoW has going for it anymore is its raiding and combat.
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FF lacks that base Tolkien feel that you get with games like EQ and WoW
i dont have the patience for ff14.
i’m the kind of guy that doesnt read quest text and skips cutscenes and what’s left to final fantasy if you ditch the lore/stroy?
a 2.5 seconds gcd that makes you sleepy after 30 minutes.
its better than watching golf when it comes to falling asleep
i also gave the game a try, i couldn’t get past 3 minutes
I’ve been playing through the MSQ (on the final chapter of ARR now) and haven’t gotten to the Gold Saucer yet. I’ve heard great things about it though, it sounds like a good time.
That’s what’s so frustrating to me about WoW right now. Everything is a carrot-on-a-stick power grind nowadays, for tiny incremental power gains. And you can’t even do what you want to do to make progress towards gaining that power, you’re funneled into one specific activity per power source.
Grinding Soul Cinders in Choreghast. Grinding Codex in Korthia. Grinding Domination Shard levels in the raid. Conduit upgrades. Even upgrading some equipment is gated behind renown.
The thing the FF lacks and wow has is fluid combat. The combat is so slow and animations are clunky, makes the game an eyesore honestly.
I have not played FF since the Golden Saucer existed.
How does it stack up against Darkmoon Faire having games(…granted it’s not up constantly)? WoW’s had a bunch of mini-games that I’ve enjoyed(…or not, depending. Stupid turtles and water), but to be fair those are generally WQs. Which you could argue were done for “power”.
I mean, I’m all for more things and mini-games for fun. But I think by and large whenever Blizzard has tried, it’s yielded complaints and could be why they shy away from things.
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Honestly the codex is the most infuriating system they’ve added to the game. Why does Death Advance rep even exist? Why can’t i do my dailies each day and get the rep i need for power. The optional cosmetic stuff should have been the rare farming, mushrooms, bone piles.
Why can my quest rewards titanforge and get randomly way more or way less than my group member?
Absolutely dunks on it, I’ve got most of the gold achievements in Darkmoon Faire and they were okay, but FF Mini games are things that VERY OBVIOUSLY would be desired in WoW if they put things behind it.
I mean the jumping puzzle one (GATE) is such a no brainer I can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet. You see people always running in cities jumping. It’s things like this you can tell INSTANTLY WoW devs dont play FFXIV
I don’t know. I’m getting a lot of magic out of FFXIV.
What was your highest Job level? What Expansion did you end up getting to and what part of said Expansion?
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The best thing is seeing where they have very clearly drawn inspiration from WoW while WoW has absolutely nothing FFXIV has presented.
By the time you get your codex rep to a usable level you won’t need any of the upgrades available through it, too.
That reminds me of all the other currencies in SL. Not only is there a codex reputation but there’s a separate currency for it. So even if it unlocks upgrades for alts, those alts will still need to have been roaming korthia to have the currency to upgrade it.
I remember in legion there were WQs that regarded honor/marks of honor. You could obtain the currency to buy legendaries from WQs, raids and m+. You could progress your character(s) in multiple ways, without feeling like you had to participate in every source of content.
So you don’t like it. Was it hard to type that instead doing this role playing stuff? You’re just as bad as the Lalafell and Viera hater in the other thread.
WoW still has this “je ne sais quoi” for you?
At this point I’m just going to give up on MMOs for the most part. I’ll play FF14 for content updates, but I think I just need to branch out to other genres.
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I just haven’t gotten the time to go there. I’m very well aware I can just go there and have seen it on my map. I’ve prioritized other aspects of the game.
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