<Final Exodus> 4/10M 10/10H Fri/Sat 8-11CT Looking to recruit for Raiding and Keys

Final Exodus is a semi-casual raiding guild with a focus on pushing mythic difficulty. We are an active community that engages in mythic + and Torghast runs together. We are a friendly community that likes to spend time in and out of WoW together. We want a friendly atmosphere but also encourage a competitive attitude when engaging higher difficulty content. We are currently looking for some dps to fill out our raid spots. Specifically, a mage, WW monk, boomy, and one healer. But all other are welcome to reach out! Our raid days/times are Fri/Sat 8-11pm (server; CST). If you’re looking for a guild that has a friendly atmosphere, competitive raiding, mythic + teams to run with, and an overall good time, Final Exodus is the right place for you. We are now 4/10M 10/10H and continuing Mythic progression this week.
Contact Discord: MetalHeadJD#1545 or Andro#8398 if interested in raiding with us.


We’re looking for a resto druid and a windwalker monk right now, be sure to friend me on Bnet @MetalHeadJD#1478

Let us know if you have any questions! Needing a mage and a warlock more immediately than other classes, another hunter and a boomy would be welcome as well. Send me an invite @MetalHeadJD#1478

Make sure to message me if you have any questions about raiding with Final Exodus! @MetalHeadJD#1478

What are your needs right now?

Since it looks like you guys got AOTC recently are you doing strictly mythic from here on out or are you continuing to do heroic for a bit longer?

We’re looking to prog on mythic, but our off-night (Sunday 7-11pm Server time) we do heroic.

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Sent a friend request via discord to ask some questions.

Bump, WTB a mage and another warlock

Very high need for a mage and a healer of any class. Stronger preference towards MW Monk, HPal, Disc Priest but we’re open to looking at any strong healers.

Still looking for one healer and we also have very high need of a Moonkin druid and a DPS DK.