<Filthy as Charged> [A-PVE] is looking for AMAZING A & H to fill out our ranks

The guild is still going strong. If you are looking for a fun place to call home, apply via guild finder in the game. Don’t forget to list your favorite movie in the notes :slight_smile:

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I love this guild. We’ve been members for so many seasons now. Our normal raid happens every single week and it’s a relaxing way to start the weekend with our good friends.

The discord server is a labor of love and you can tell our GL sweat copious amounts of blood to give us this amazing gift! I can procrastinate all day during work with everyone. Couples. Singles. Just a bunch of filthy as charged (in a non ERPy way) grown ups.

I love that we even started watching movies together every so often. 11/10 guild!

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Shameless bump of this post :slight_smile:

I joined a few weeks ago, and I cant say enough great things about the guild. Great group of people that like to have fun and help out when needed. I’ve raided and run keys with them and had blast every time.

A lot of guilds say they recruit the player and not the class. Filthy is definitely that. I am a healer through and through but have struggled with finding a fit and have solo played since Mid-BfA. It gets lonely and a bit boring only doing LFR.

That said, I am “trying” out dps for the first time besides world content, am I the best? No. Huge #s? No. Frustrated with my self? Yes. Do I love dpsing, no, hell, no. But these folks are never sweaty, toxic, link meters or even make “constructive critism” even in the name of helping.

Come check things out. You can do your solo thing, pvp, timewalking, hunt mounts, level alts or w/e makes your sub feel worthwhile and still get some current group content in.


  1. There’s someone to help figure it out if you ask.
  2. Come as you are.
  3. It’s okay to be bad/quiet like me, really. ;D
  4. Social guild <3 Appreciate the chance to belong.
  5. It’s hard being the FNG, we do our best to help ppl feel they belong and have a home.
  6. Don’t like to talk? That’s me, it’s not easy but can work.
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Tomorrow is our raid night (we do not push for aotc; relaxed mood with a great RL and group that can get the fights done). 7pm sever time. Sunday is this month’s movie night. Great weekend to come join us!

It may be late in the expac and season, but people are still playing.

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We are always looking for new friends. Come check us out!

Bumping for more people that have fun playing this game!

So I’m here again with yet another tale for all ye who be curious, and for those that didn’t want to know because after opening this post you had no choice and I’m not sorry for that. Mostly.

If you asked the guildies if it was a joke, they’d have told you yes. If you asked how did it start, they would point at one another saying they started it. The truth is multiple started this conundrum, especially the guild leader, who is named Skratchn. Nice person, genuinely, though she concerns me a lot.
So you sit here and wonder, “Well Rengryth, what was the joke? You never mentioned what it was!” You’re so right, I did not. That is because to build anticipation is to bring in those curious before giving them the truth.

That joke… was the title Daddy. Yes, you heard me correctly. Daddy Ren. That’s even my nickname on discord. I have even had new recruits address me as this, let it be known that I merely point this out to those looking to join, because the guild is wonderful. Truly. If you see that mentioned in any shape or form, I promise you with 100% sincerity and genuine honesty, I have utterly no control of this. Yet these are memories that will last for years to fondly be looked back on, and laughed at. Even this one specifically, even if I can never escape it, and to this day I still don’t know how it started.

Please join this guild so that you might be the lucky member to get this title instead and take it away from me. Please, I insist.

(Still looking for lovely new friends for new shenanigans. We look forward to seeing you!)

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Awesome post Ren!

If you are looking for a new in game family, check us out!

Movie night’s on the 7th next month… Want to watch with us while you try and make that pirate rep bar inch up a little?

Come check us out!

Raid night tonight! We’re doing a normal full clear. Finally joining that friendly, active guild would be a lovely way to put the work week to bed. Want to come hang out on voice with us or even raid with us tonight?

Looking for that goldilocks guild? You won’t get lost in an sea of character names with us but you also won’t be alone with tumbleweeds. Don’t make me start hyping up the bears too.

Did everyone see my toon cast an Eclipse today? Fun can come in many shapes and sizes, so can group content. Excited for season 4 and working on raid achieves until then.

Not burned out and doing the meta?
Leveling for the first time or that 100th alts?
Need motivation to log in?
Pet collector and like to show off?
Want to talk about rando stuff?
Don’t know what enchants to use?
Need some conversation at 10am on a Wednesday morning or 1am on Monday?
Looking for Timewalking running?
Normal runs on Friday evening, not sweaty - tanks full though. Could use more for M+, even the low runs that I feel safe in.

This is us - not the show but this guild.
Whisper for info. or app inthe guild finder.

Hope to see you soon!

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We have some awesome people in this guild and are always looking to add more :slight_smile:

Hey, I bet Season 4 would go great with a new guild!

Maybe us?

Shameless weekend bump :slight_smile:

Hey guys, I am new to MG ally since my old realm was dead when I came back after 10+ years.

I transferred with my own alt guild to MG, but am having little success getting into doing content. I’m a dad and casual, but I do want to get into Normal raids, and maybe M+ (though I don’t super love lobby games, smashing content repeatedly.

What roles or classes would be helpful?

Our motto is bring the player not the toon. Raid wise, tanks and heals are spoken but we have room for dps and/or dps with a tank or heal off spec :slight_smile:

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Season 4 is under way and if you are still looking for a great guild look no further!
Filthy As Charged is a friendly social guild that raids normal and runs Mythic +. We help people gear up and learn the ropes of Mythic +. We also have fun social events like movie night, karaoke night etc. Our discord is great as well!!