<Filthy as Charged> [A-PVE] is looking for AMAZING A & H to fill out our ranks

Do you have an alt that none of your friends know about that spends time in Goldshire? Do you sometimes enjoy pineapple on your pizza? Filthy as Charged is the home for you! We are a new PVE guild that loves M+ and has plans to raid and run other PVE events.

Helpful. Kind. Chill. Fun. Laugh out loud. Everyone is family (even if it’s a little dysfunctional). This is our home away from the real world. Our main tenets are
“Quality over Quantity” and making personal connections. We like to have fun and down content. LGBTQIA+ inclusive. 21+ only. (Both alliance and horde accepted).

Apply via guild finder in game or reach out to anyone that you see on with /who Filthy as Charged.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and we look forward to adding you to our amazing guild.


You takin in horde as well or alliance only guild? I’m looking for a friendly new home.

Oops! Great question, yes we are cross-faction! Horde need love too :wink:

Even though the Horde burned down my tree, we are taking Horde :slight_smile:

Go ahead and join our community so we can invite you to the guild. It looks like the forum won’t let me post a link so search for Filthy As Charged XFaction in communities.

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Hey now that was before my races time of joining the horde, So I’m innocent. I’ll look into the community after I get off work.

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Ok i applied to join community just awaiting acceptance.

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Gravy is pretty cool for being Horde and all :slight_smile:

That’s ok, I am a not so secret previous horde player :wink: horde are def welcome

Hi there! I just saw this thread after i posted my own LFGUILD thread. I am new to the server i mainly tank but i play unholy and frost on the side. I’d love to get into the M+/Raid scene. I will reach out in game via the communites tab :slight_smile:

Pls do! We would love to have you. Also, you can hit me or Zakkiel up in game if you have any questions.

Awesome how do I join the community? Is there a link?

You can find us in the Guild Finder in game, just search Filthy as Charged. You can also /w Zakkiel or me (Skratchn) next time you are online.

Shameless bump :slight_smile:

We also have a community that horde can actually search/find to be added, called Filthy As Charged XFaction. This makes it easier to get you an invite to the guild since the guild isn’t searchable for the opposite faction. (https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/zjGYAArhll9?region=US&faction=Alliance) :slight_smile:

We run a low key night on Mondays for folks who want to try out M+ and/or those that want to try a different role on an alt.

We runs 2-14 keys organically throughout the week.

Our first normal raid will be this SAT (9/2) at 8pm server.

Lots of really cool folks have joined!

Feel free to reach out to any of us in game if you are interested or have questions.

shameless bump :wink:

We are still looking for more folks to add to the ranks.

As for raid needs, play what you love! We had some early success with our normal raid but are now looking at filling out the team for the next tier.

For those interested, Filthy As Charged is still looking for new whacky family members to join and have fun.

Looking for Ally and Hordies alike running any kind of class/spec.

We have been running keys with the new season and LFR. We are close to having a normal raid team. Check us out!

We are adding more cool folks each day. Our first normal raid this Tier is Friday 8pm server 12-8.